Version 11 is the initial release of the meshIQ Platform: an observability platform for Messaging, Event Processing, and Streaming across Hybrid cloud (MESH). The meshIQ platform provides an integrated platform for all of meshIQ capabilities. The meshIQ platform provides the following modules:
Observability. Monitor the performance of your middleware systems, including message flows, message rates and availability. Define alerts and trigger automated corrective actions. Using our Grafana plug-in, you can leverage the data collected by the platform as a Grafana data source and query it using JKQL, our English-like query language. Learn more.
Management. Administer and control Apache Kafka, IBM MQ, IBM IIB/ACE, Solace PubSub+, RabbitMQ, and Tibco EMS objects. Capabilities include configuration management, scheduling and automation, and comprehensive permissions management, including a complete audit trail of all user actions. Learn more.
Tracking. With meshIQ's scalable tracking module you can track the flow of anything — from a transaction to an end user’s engagement — through your entire application stack. Track and analyze historical data, leveraging a wide range of machine learning (AI) algorithms to proactively detect anomalies and predict performance patterns. Learn more.
Note that licensing terms for the meshIQ platform have been updated. Please contact your account manager to verify eligibility.
External Integrations
The meshIQ platform supports an integration using external data sources. The first of these integrations is for Grafana. That data source will issue queries for various data sources within the meshIQ platform. This includes analytic and tracking data, expert metrics, and administrative data.
In support of this initiative, a REST endpoint is now available as an M6 expert, which will provide the data. The query language used, jKQL, is the same as can be used within the Tracking interface when used with or without Grafana.
Container based deployments
The meshIQ offers several deployment models tailored to different needs. These can be implemented either via traditional installation methods but can be done using containers. These can be run on docker compose or Kubernetes environments.
Show Multiple Workgroup Servers
The meshIQ platform now supports adding, and viewing objects from, more than one Workgroup Server.
On the Color Settings tab of User Settings, a new WGS Connection tab allows you to associate a color with each connection. Click the rectangle to select a color:
These colors are reflected in the Workgroup servers viewlet as shown below:
Within a viewlet, you can choose to show objects from multiple connections by selecting the Multi-Selection checkbox and selecting the individual Workgroup servers one at a time.
If Workgroup server connection groups have been created, and the User Settings Display Grouping In Connection Selection checkbox is selected, connection groups are included in Workgroup server lists, in addition to individual connections.
The example below shows a Node viewlet with nodes from two different workgroup server connections (Primary Connection and WGS 11).
When a viewlet includes objects from multiple workgroup server connections, an information icon is available. Click it to view the number of objects from each connection.
meshIQ is pleased to announce that support for RabbitMQ data collection is available as a managed node. The ability to configure, monitor and act via REST and display only is now included in the initial release of the graphical interfaces. The following object types are supported. See RabbitMQ viewlets for more details.
To add a RabbitMQ connection, select Create > Remote Rabbit MQ Managers... from the action menu of the relevant workgroup server connection.
Updates to remote connection management
Export and import remote connection manager definitions
You can export remote IBM MQ, TIBCO EMS, Kafka, ACE/IIB, Solace, and RabbitMQ connections to allow them to be imported later as needed. Consider exporting and importing as a way to pass connections between people or make them available for new users. Remote manager configurations are imported and exported on the remote manager connections window, in the form of .json files.
See Importing and Exporting Remote Managers for instructions.
"Undo" the last remote connection manager action
The Undo button may be available in the remote manager connections window immediately after you add, modify, copy, delete, or import a connection. Only the most recent action can be undone.
Use an existing connection manager to create a new one
A Copy as command is now available. Use it to copy the definition of an existing connection manager to a new one.
For instructions, refer to the article for the corresponding product:
Create Remote Kafka Manager Connection
Create IIB/ACE Manager Connection
Create Remote Solace Manager Connection
Create Remote Rabbit MQ Manager Connection
Verify Remote Queue Manager Connections
Now you can verify the status of remote connection manager connections. The remote manager connections dialogs for all products now include a Verify Connection button. See Verify a remote manager connection.
Import Kafka properties from file
Now, you can import Kafka remote manager properties for new connections, instead of entering them manually. See Create a remote Kafka manager connection (Import file) in the Create Remote Kafka Manager Connection article for instructions.
Encryption Indicator added to Kafka Configuration Value as part of Remote Kafka Manager Connection setup
When you set up a Remote Kafka Manager Connection, Configuration value fields now include icons for encrypting values and for showing unencrypted values. When the value is encrypted, or masked, the value is treated as a password and is encrypted during transmission to Kafka, then decrypted so Kafka can read it.
- The encrypt icon encrypts and masks the Configuration Value, as shown here:
- The show unencrypted icon shows the full value. See the important note below.
After you use the encrypt icon to encrypt a plain (unencrypted) value and save the connection, you will no longer be able to view the unencrypted value.
See also Remote Kafka Manager Connection Config tab: SSL Connections Example.
New Remote Connection definitions written to database as soon as possible
To minimize the risk of losing valuable and complex remote connection configuration data if the Workgroup server fails or is stopped, remote connection definitions are now saved to the database as quickly as possible after configuration.
Set attribute filter criteria on the fly with new variable values
Instead of using a hardcoded value that may need to be updated over time, you can now set up a variable value in your attribute filter. Then set the variable value as needed, by clicking a Variable button on the user interface.
In the example below, an attribute filter looks for channel names that match its criteria using a text-based variable. When setting up the attribute filter, do the following:
- Choose Variable under Value Type:
- Click manage the variable. Enter the name of a new variable, or choose an existing variable to use for this attribute filter.
- Click OK. The name you entered is displayed in the Value column.
- Click OK to save the new attribute filter.
When viewing the channel viewlet on a dashboard, make sure that the attribute filter has been applied to the viewlet and that the viewlet's Active attribute filtering checkbox is selected.
On the main interface, click the Variable button to set the text that the attribute filter will look for:
Enter the text in the Modify Variables dialog:
Click Save to apply the variable.
Viewlet "Total" objects label becomes orange if Result Limit is reached
To help you identify when a viewlet's records are being impacted by the Result Limit, we have made changes to the labels that show how many objects are in a viewlet. For the sake of comparison, we'll start with the default label for the first example. Below, a Result Limit of 0 (unlimited) has been manually entered to show that there are 61 queues in all.
In the second example, a Result Limit of 10 has been manually entered. Now that the total results are impacted by the Result Limit, the Total/Visible/Selected label in the lower left corner of the viewlet changes to orange to show that there are more queues that are not being retrieved.
For local queues and channels, for which the Result Limit is applied by queue type (local, remote, model, alias, and cluster) and channel type (MQ channels, AMQP, MQTT, and client connections), respectively, the Total/Visible/Selected label becomes orange when the total results of at least one of these types matches the Result Limit.
See also User Settings, User Settings field descriptions, and Objects missing from a viewlet.
Add Kafka MDS nodes from the user interface
A new MDS tab on the Remote Manager Connection dialog allows you to add multiple Kafka MDS nodes in one remote Kafka instance.
Click Add to add a new MDS node:
MDS viewlet
After an MDS node is set up, you can create an MDS viewlet. See MDS viewlets for more information.
Retrieve messages from inoperable cluster queues
Within a cluster, you can move messages from a put-inhibited queue on one queue manager to another queue of the same name on another queue manager. This functionality is only for put-inhibited queues that are shared within a cluster.
- Both queue managers have joined the same cluster.
- The two queues (one on each queue manager) have the same name.
- On the properties of the two queues, the Cluster tab must indicate Shared in a cluster.
- The queue you are moving messages from must be "Put Inhibited" and the other must be "Put Allowed."
To see this functionality, verify that all criteria listed in the prerequisites section have been met. Then:
- Select the checkbox for the put-inhibited queue and make sure that the Messages submenu includes the Distribute to Cluster item. This option indicates that messages put to this queue can be moved to another queue of the same name on a different queue manager.
- Click Distribute to Cluster.
- A list of potential destinations is displayed, along with a confirmation message:
- Click Continue. If messages have been moved successfully, a Success message is displayed in the lower right corner of the window.
- Wait for the queues to be moved and for the viewlet data to be refreshed, or refresh the viewlet manually. The messages will be included on the second (Put Allowed) queue.
Scheduled Job Info now includes responses
Scheduled job details from EXCMD_INQUIRE_JOB now also returns EXCA_RESPONSE_TEXT. Response Text will only have a value if the scheduled request was an Escape command. Click the Schedules button on the toolbar to view scheduled jobs. Click a job to view its details.
You can then click the Response Text details to expand the row to include the full response.
The amount of data displayed in the Response Text row is limited to 2 KB.
Export messages to and load messages from shared storage
The ability to save/export files to shared storage requires that you enter a valid path in the Enterprise Manager MQM Properties dialog's MMF Shared Storage tab, in the Directory to be used for MMF Shared Storage field. This option is for IBM MQ messages only.
When browsing IBM MQ messages in the console pane, you can choose to export some or all of them to shared storage. The Saved selected messages icon includes an Export to Shared Storage option to send the selected messages to a file.
The Save all messages icon includes an Export all to Shared Storage option to send all messages to a file.
Either action opens the following dialog, where you can enter a file name. Click OK.
To retrieve the saved messages, use the Load from Shared Storage option:
The files you saved are available for selection on the Select Files dialog:
Additional Date Mode Options in MQ Statistics Console
Additional options are now available in the Date mode list on the MQ Statistics console. Two new options have been added:
- Last 7 days
- Custom Days Count (Enter the number of previous days for which you want to view records.)
When switching back and forth between the User Date Range and the Custom Days count, the date range is updated. For example, if you view records after selecting a Custom Days Count of 14, then switch to the User Date Range, the range shows the past 14 days.
z/OS Changes
Get z/OS metrics without extra work
You no longer need to run the nsqmvsrpt utility for z/OS metrics such as facts on z/OS pagesets. Now WGS retrieves and publishes the same facts (returned from PCF command MQCMD_INQUIRE_USAGE). These new facts now appear under z/OS queue managers under QMGR//USAGE.
z/OS queue viewlet to show storage class usage
Now, z/OS queue viewlets include the Storage class on the Storage tab. Values are DEFAULT, SYSTEM, SYSVOLAT, SYSLNGLV, and REMOTE.
In addition, the following facts are published for z/OS local queues:
Create new EMS durables with "Copy As"
A new "Copy As" command on the actions menu of durables viewlets allows you to create a copy of an existing durable to create a new one.
When you select it, a Copy Durable dialog opens, By default, the name of the new object matches the original. Update the name and other configuration settings to create the new object.
You can also create a new durable from scratch. See Create EMS durable.
Channel authentication records updates
Create channel authentication records from channel viewlets
To create a Channel auth record from a Channel viewlet, select Create ChAuthRec from the Action menu of a channel record.
The Select ChAuthRecType dialog opens. Select a Type and click OK to proceed to the Channel Authentication Record Create window.
See also Channel Authentication Record.
Select Channel Name when Creating Channel Auth Record
You can now select the name of a channel when creating a channel auth record, instead of entering the name manually:
See also Channel Authentication Record.
Copy a channel authentication record
You can create a copy of a channel authentication record either with or without a new name.
- Use Copy to create a duplicate.
- Use Copy As to give the new record a different name than the original.
Capped Message Expiry (MQ 9.3.1) now a standard attribute
The MQ 9.3.1 Capped Message Expiry attribute (CAPEXPRY) introduced in MQ 9.3.1 has now been moved from a custom attribute to a standard attribute. You can find it on the Storage tab of both Local and Model queues.
By default, the Capped message expiry is unlimited (No Limit is selected).
You can clear the checkbox to set a value.
You cannot save a value of 0. The value must be greater than 0 or No Limit.
UTF-8 Message Encoding
Messages can now be stored and displayed using the UTF-8 encoding format (CCSID [coded character set identifier] 1208). Supported actions include
- viewing messages and editing messages,
- loading messages from a file, and
- putting messages to a queue.
When you view messages, you can select a new UTF-8 option for message encoding.
Queue Media Image Recoverability added to properties dialog of local and model queues
Queue Media Image Recoverability is now shown in the properties of local and model queues, in addition to being listed in the object attributes as it was previously.
MQ's informational responses no longer characterized as "errors"
Previously, MQ's informational responses were labeled "errors" in the MQSC Console ("Command completed with errors"). This gave the incorrect impression that the script didn't execute correctly.
Now the console displays "Command completed with messages" and includes the informational message, as shown below.
Important changes to Nastel Database Definitions (nsqjdbcmk) options
Create database confirmation prompt
When presented with the Nastel Database Definitions options 0-11, if you choose option 1 (Create M6-WMQ Database Objects) or option 3 (Create PERMITS Database Objects), and the related database tables appear to already exist, you will be prompted to confirm your action:
WARN...Database m6-WMQ already exists!.. Do you want to recreate, upgrade or leave it [r/u/l]:
You can choose one of the following:
- recreate (r) deletes and recreates the tables
- upgrade (u) adds any new tables from the new version, if applicable
- leave it (l) makes no changes to existing tables
Previously, there was no confirmation prompt. The database tables were deleted and recreated.
Update database failure message
To ensure that SQL database update failures are resolved more quickly, now only one attempt to upgrade (option 2) is permitted. If the attempt fails, you'll receive a message indicating that you can't run it again and advising you to contact support. The support team can provide assistance by properly completing the upgrade process for both the apwmq and permits databases.
New nsqjdbcmk PERMITS database backup and restore options
The nsqjdbcmk utility now allows you to back up and restore the PERMITS database. Please note options 6 and 7 in the menu shown below.
- Option 6 (Save Navigator-PERMITS records to a file) performs a backup of the database.
- Option 7 (Load Navigator-PERMITS records from a file) restores the database. This option can be used to restore data to a different database engine. For example, you can use this option as a means of migrating from MySQL to PostgresSQL or Oracle. As noted on the menu, this is a long operation. Restoring data can take as long as creating the database from scratch (option 3).
NRD file shows diagnostic information about the workgroup server at runtime
You can now create an NRD file with extended service dump information by running dumpRuntime() under CEP. This allows you to see diagnostic information about the workgroup server at runtime.
Before creating an NRD file, first verify that in the [AUTOPILOT_HOME] folder file, you have set the server runtime dump file format to be standard NRD format rather than JSON format.
Locate the lines:
; control type of NRD files created automatically
property server.dump.format.json.suppress=true
property server.dump.format.nrd.suppress=false
For standard NRD format, set ...json.suppress=true and ...nrd.suppress=false
After making this change, restart the CEP instance so it can refresh the environment to reflect this change.
To create an NRD file, select the action dumpRunTimeJson() from CEP Server Actions. This will create the NRD file in [AUTOPILOT_HOME]/logs.
The workgroup server diagnostic information includes all data that is published as facts under WGSTATS: WGS cache information (WGSTATS.CACHE type and size) and connection information (WGSTATS.CONNECTIONS nodes and current state).
Security Manager Changes
New starter roles offer improved role management on new systems.
New Starter Roles
Administrators have permission to access all functions.
Mesh admin members manage, and have rights to, the MESH. However, they cannot create or delete remote managers or add new connections.
Platform admin members have limited features but can log in and manage environment.
Message Admin members have all rights required to view and change messages (message actions)
Message Browser members have all rights to view and export messages.
Operator members can see all objects and take select actions against them (start, stop, disable, etc.). Operators do not have access to messages.
View only members can see all objects, but cannot take actions against the objects. The View only role cannot view the content of messages.
Common objects
The Common group now includes nodes and queue managers, since these are shared by all products. As stated below, the Queue Manager category is now labeled "MESH Manager."
Export audit report results
You can now save results for both the Security Manager Audit Report and the Management Audit Report.
Click the download button . You can choose the format for your file: .csv or .json.
A .csv or .json file with a unique file name will automatically download. Example: exported_data_1696952627733.csv or exported_data_1696952695407.json.
The file will contain all data from the report based on any filters that you have applied. By default, results are limited to 25,000 records.
Renamed rights and categories
Renamed categories:
Queue Manager > "MESH Manager"
Events > Workgroup Server Events
Renamed right
Execute MQSC Command Shell > Execute Command Shell
New rights
Category | Right |
Common > MESH Manager |
Execute non-Msg MQSC command Submit non-Msg MQSC script |
Common > Navigator GUI Features |
Show SAML SSO Configuration The following new rights govern how users can manage display schemas and statistics schemas: Manage Global Display Schemas: Allow users to add, edit, and delete global display and statistics schemas (click the Edit global settings button located at the bottom of User Settings). Manage Shared Display Schemas: Allow users to share the display schemas they create with one or more groups. Users can accomplish this from User Settings or Manage Schemas. Follow the instructions for sharing a schema in the Schemas article. Manage Private Display Schemas: Allow users to add, edit, and delete their own display and statistics schemas from User Settings or Manage Schemas. |
Common > Workgroup Server |
Change RabbitMQ Remote Manager Create RabbitMQ Remote Manager Delete RabbitMQ Remote Manager Show RabbitMQ Remote Manager Show RabbitMQ Remote Managers
Validate RestAPI Access for user: Allows one user to find out whether another user has the right to perform a given action through the REST API (yes or no). |
EMS > EMS Durables |
Copy durable |
New permission defaults for new "starter" roles
Category | Right | Setting |
Common --> Navigator GUI Features | Manage private display schemas |
ON |
Manage shared display schemas | ON | |
Manage global display schemas | Platform Admin | |
Common --> Mesh Manager | execute non-msg MQSC command |
MESH Admin only |
submit non-msg MQSC script | MESH Admin only | |
EMS --> EMS durables | Copy durable info | MESH Admin only |
RabbitMQ | All | MESH Admin |
NONE | Message Admin | |
NONE | Message Browser | |
Partial | Operator | |
NONE | Platform Admin | |
View | Message Admin and Message Browser |
Release Notes
For detailed, complete lists of components as well as installation instructions, see the following release notes articles: