For detailed, complete lists of components as well as installation instructions, see the following Navigator release notes articles:
For information on the preceding 10.4.2 e-fix release, see Navigator 10.4.2 Highlights. For information on the subsequent and hot fixes, see the Navigator v10.5.0.1 hot fix and Navigator v10.5.0.5 hot fix sections at the end of this article.
Attribute Filters Applied Before Result Limit
When a request for data is subject to an attribute filter, prior to 10.5, the filter was applied to the result set returned from the workgroup server. With 10.5, attribute filters (including those for Custom Attributes) are now applied by the workgroup server prior to returning the result set. The Result Limit is applied to the set of filtered results. As a result of this change in data processing, you may be able to return more relevant results, especially if you normally request a large number of objects in order to ensure that all objects are included.
How might this change affect me?
Let's say, for example, that you're working with a viewlet that has a Result Limit of 1000, and you are looking for all local queues with a "transmission queue usage filter" among a total of 4000 local queues. In this case, prior to 10.5, the Result Limit applied to the number of records returned from the workgroup server, that is 1000 queues, and then the attribute filter would apply only to these. Thus, only the "transmission queues" in this subset, if any, would be shown. To circumvent this incomplete set, the Result Limit would need to be set to a high value to ensure all 4000 queues were returned and filtered.
With 10.5, the attribute filter will be applied by the workgroup server, and the Result Limit will only be applicable if more than 1000 queues match the attribute filter criteria. For example, if 25 queues of the 4000 match, all 25 will be returned. If 1200 of the 4000 match, the first 1000 will be returned.
We Recommend...
Review any current viewlets with very high Result Limits, since with 10.5, in most cases these will no longer be required and could return significantly more data than they did previously. If you consistently notice that the number of records in your viewlets matches the Result Limit, then adjust the Result Limit or consider fine-tuning your attribute filters to return a more relevant set of results from the workgroup server.
Navigator Statistics Report Shows Features Used
To determine the highest value features of Navigator at your organization, run the Navigator Statistics report, available from the toolbar:
Statistics data is updated about every 10 minutes. The chart uses a logarithmic scale since some features like Object Locate are used far more often than any others.
The Show Navigator Statistics right is required to view this report.
For a detailed list of all features that are included in this report, see Statistics (Navigator).
View Shared Dashboard Permissions on Dashboard Ownership
The Dashboard Ownership tab in Global Settings now shows permissions for each shared dashboard listed in the results. The ownership of a dashboard can be changed without changing or recreating its permissions. In the Permissions column, the following codes are used:
- The "(rw)" code means that the group has both read and write permission for that dashboard. This is equivalent to both read and write icons being selected: .
- The (r) code means that the group has read only permission for that dashboard. This is equivalent to the read icon being selected: .
When you change the ownership of a dashboard using the Change Owner button, the permissions from the original owner are transferred to the new owner, as shown below.
Original owner: Operators have been granted read permission; Administrators have been granted read and write permissions.
New owner: Operator and Administrator groups retain their permissions.
User View is now "User Perspective"
To avoid confusion, the User View feature has now been renamed "User Perspective."
Request History Export
Request History data can now be exported to a .csv file to facilitate troubleshooting efforts or investigations into performance issues. To export, click the Save Table As CSV button (shown with a red border in the screen shot below).
The contents of the Request History feature are exported to a file:
Double-click the file to open it:
View Objects' Full Resource Addresses when Confirming Actions
Now the confirmation dialog for potentially destructive actions includes the full resource address for each object that may be affected. These actions include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Starting and stopping object (such as channels)
- Deleting objects
- Clearing data
- Turning incoming or outgoing sources on or off (including inhibiting or allowing Get or Put)
- Clearing events
- Disconnecting
- Changing a status (enable or disable)
Java Agent / Connection Manager version 10 (Beta)
We are releasing the functionality described below as a Beta version. Your feedback is important to us. Please try it out and let us know what you think!
M6-WMQ Connection Manager (nsqcm) and M6-WMQ Agent (nsqmq) from versions 6.x and earlier have been combined in version 10.x into nsqcmmq.jar, which can be run in Connection Manager (CM) or Agent mode. In CM mode, management is done using MQ channels. With version 10, an SSH connection can be configured to issue commands, such as starting/stopping queue managers and viewing log files.
For IBM MQ SSL remote connections, given the connections are Java, the SSL parameters are different than the C-based CM, such as requiring SSL Key Store Password:
A new SSH tab has been added to store SSH credentials for the new remote command functionality:
We continue to provide and support the M6-WMQ Connection Manager (nsqcm) and M6-WMQ Agent (nsqmq) versions 6.x.
Add Software Version to a Queue Manager Viewlet Schema
The Software Version attribute for the agent or connection manager being used is now available to add to schemas of Queue Manager viewlets.
Shown in Edit Schema:
Shown in the viewlet:
Queue Manager Attributes
Queue manager attributes have been added, as described below.
The queue manager's SSL tab includes new MQ 9.3 SSL Initial Key and SSL Key Repository Password fields:
The Log tab shows new media properties.
zOS Only
For zOS, the QSG tab now shows the Certificate Label.
Limit Bulk Selection of Objects
Being able to select all objects in a viewlet with one click is a convenient feature. Some customers wanted to limit the number of objects that can be acted upon when users click the bulk select check box: . Two new global user settings now control the number of objects in a viewlet that can be selected this way.
For General objects (that is, all objects except managers), the default limit is now set to 100 objects. For Restricted objects, which right now only includes managers, the default limit is set to 10 objects. Either limit can be set from 0 to 1000.
With the default limits in place, a user can click the bulk select check box in a viewlet of 100 queues:
But the bulk select check box is not available when there are more than 100 queues:
Channel Viewlet Limits Calls to Types Specified in Active Attribute Filters
When a channel viewlet is not filtered by type (Type=All), Navigator now checks for active attribute filters for channel type and applies them to requests that are issued. For example, if attribute filters call for only Server Connection and Client Connection channel types to be requested, then calls are made to get those types only. Calls are not being made for types that are not needed.
Queue Manager shows Active Channel Instance Count
The Active Channel Instance Count has been added to the main tab of Queue Manager properties.
Event details show time zone for Receive Time
The Event details General tab now provides context for the Receive Time that is shown. By default, the event date and time is converted to local time. The Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) offset is displayed.
To view the date and time converted to GMT, click the GMT option button.
TIBCO EMS JNDI Connection Factory objects
You can now create viewlets for TIBCO EMS JNDI Connection Factory objects.
New Resource Center articles will map MQSC command keywords to properties
For those who are accustomed to updating object properties using commands, we will be rolling out a series of new Resource Center articles to tie MQSC command keywords to object properties in Navigator. The first group of articles covers queue manager, channel, subscription, and queue properties:
- Queue Manager: Map MQSC command keywords to Navigator queue manager properties
- Channel: Map MQSC command keywords to Navigator channel properties
- Subscription: Map MQSC command keywords to Navigator subscription properties
- Local queue: Map MQSC command keywords to Navigator local queue properties
Stay tuned for more articles to be added for additional IBM MQ objects.
Navigator X Web Security Manager Enhancements
Management Audit Report shows users' commands
New columns for Group Name and Command text have been added to the Management Audit report.
The Group Name shows the group that granted the user the permission to perform the audit action. The Command Text field shows the commands executed by the user when using command console features, such as MQSC console. Example:
Define QL(ABC)
API Role Management
The new Navigator Security Manager includes role management through the new API Role Management option. With it, you can create roles that control which Security Manager features are to be made available, and assign those roles to User Groups.
Examples of API Roles would be users that could only view settings but not make changes, or auditors that can only view the audit reports.
Filter Role Management
A Filter text field is now available to search for specific text on the Role Management page. Rows are filtered as you type.
Expand products to view the relevant objects:
Expand objects to view the individual rights:
Principal Name Default Value
The Navigator Projects list helps high-level users replicate the Navigator experience of other users. Now when you create a new user group, the Principal Name, which is used to control the selections in the Projects list, now has a default value that allows all projects to be listed.
Navigator v10.5.0.1 hot fix
Update to Viewlet Sorting Functionality
As in prior releases, if the viewlet’s schema includes both primary and secondary sort methods, arrows are displayed in both column headers. But now there is a new way to change the primary and secondary sort methods:
- Click the header of the new column that you want to use for the primary sort method.
- Control-click (or Alt-click) the header of the column that you want to use for the secondary sort method.
For more information on sorting, including a note covering older sorting behaviors, see Sorting objects in a viewlet.
Navigator v10.5.0.5 hot fix
User Object Ownership Management
A new User Object Ownership Management tab has been added to Global Settings so you can manage the attribute filters, display schemas, and message criteria of inactive users. See User Object Ownership Management for details.
Display Schemas Management
A new Display Schemas tab has been added to User and Global Settings so you can manage schemas for all products and objects from one place. See Display Schemas for details.
You can also share schemas. A Share Display Schema slider is available on the Edit Schema dialog.
A mouseover tip shows the groups that a schema is shared with.
Refer to Schemas in Navigator for details.
On the Manage Schemas dialog, you can turn on the new Shared Display Schemas slider to show shared schemas. Schemas that have been shared with your group are marked with a red Shared Display Schema icon:. Schemas that you have shared are marked with a green Shared Display Schema icon:.