The data of your repositories are displayed in dashboards, which are a collection of viewlets. Your repository can have multiple dashboards.
In your system sample repositories dashboards are provided. You can find these within the Global Repositories section of the Repository drop-down menu.
You can review these dashboards before creating your own.
Go to dashboard
Go to your dashboard by selecting Go to Dashboard from the Landing Page.
If no dashboards have been previously created, the Create new Dashboard dialog opens. Click Cancel for now and proceed to the Dashboards section.
Arrangement of Dashboard Tabs
The order in which dashboards display can be changed. Click on the tab of the dashboard you would like to move and drag and drop it to a new position.
Close a Dashboard
To close a dashboard, simply click the X located on the right side of the dashboard's tab. The X will appear if the dashboard is currently displayed. For dashboards not displayed, hover over the tab and the X will appear.
Dashboard Tab Dropdowns
In version 11.2, Manage and Track now include a dropdown icon at the end of the dashboard tabs. Click it to view a list of open dashboards and switch among them.