The functionality described in this article is available in meshIQ Manage versions 11 and greater. See meshIQ Highlights v11 for an overview of feature changes.
You can export remote IBM MQ, TIBCO EMS, Kafka, ACE/IIB, and Solace connections to allow them to be imported later as needed. Consider exporting and importing as a way to pass connections between people or make them available for new users.
Remote manager configurations are imported and exported on the remote manager connections window, in the form of .json files. The name of the window depends on the product (technology) for which you are managing remote connections. Currently supported products are listed below. (The links lead to instructions on how to create remote managers manually.)
Remote Queue Manager Connections (IBM MQ)
Remote EMS Connections (TIBCO)
Remote Kafka Manager Connections
Remote IIB/ACE Manager Connections
Remote Solace Manager Connections
Remote RabbitMQ Manager Connection
Import remote manager configurations
- From the workgroup server’s pop-up menu, select Create > Remote Queue Managers. The Remote Queue Manager Connections window opens. The name of the menu option and window vary based on the product (IBM, Kafka, TIBCO EMS, IIB/ACE, or Solace).
- Click Import. The Import Remote Queue Manager Connections dialog opens.
- Click Choose File.
Import files must have the .json file name extension. You must import a remote manager definition file for the product that matches your selection on the workgroup server’s pop-up menu (IBM, Kafka, TIBCO EMS, IIB/ACE, or Solace).
- Navigate to the .json file from which you want to import remote manager definitions. Double-click the file, or click it once and click Open. The file name is included on the dialog, and the Instance Name and Queue Manager Name for each remote manager in the file are listed.
- Verify the managers that you want to import. You can click Clear to clear all selections, or select and clear checkboxes individually.
- Click Import to import all selected managers. The imported records are displayed on the remote managers dialog:
- Click OK to close the window and return to the Workspace dashboard. You can also reverse the import process by clicking Undo.
Export remote manager configurations
- From the workgroup server’s pop-up menu, select Create > Remote Queue Managers. The Remote Queue Manager Connections window opens. The name of the menu option and window vary based on the product (IBM, Kafka, TIBCO EMS, IIB/ACE, or Solace).
- Select the remote manager or managers that you want to export the definition of.
- Click Export.
- The export file is downloaded through your browser. It is named exported_remote_queue_manager_connections(<unique identifier>).json.
- Double-click the file to open and view it: