This article covers how to work with your tickets in mySupport. If you have not signed up for mySupport, see meshIQ mySupport first.
Opening a ticket
You can create a ticket in one of two ways:
- Email
- Submit a ticket online: Fill in this form. It's also available from your My requests page when you're logged in. Just click your Name at the top of the page and select My activities. Then click the Submit a request link.
On the Submit a request page, do the following:
- In the CC field enter the email addresses of individuals to whom you want to send a copy of the ticket. Separate multiple addresses with commas. By default, these "copied" individuals receive email notifications whenever a public comment is added to the ticket and their names appear in the email address. (Any comment on a ticket by an end user or agent that is not an internal note is considered a public comment.)
- Enter a Subject and a Description for your request.
- Select a Type (Question, Incident, Problem, Task) and a Priority (Urgent, High, Normal, or Low). You can find descriptions of these types and priorities, including expected meshIQ response times, in our support policy document, available at
- To help us identify the nature of your problem or question and to make sure your ticket is routed to the person who can best help you, choose a Category. Selections are General, Licensing, meshIQ Cloud, meshIQ Enterprise, Professional Services, or Enhancement Request. You can find information about the flow process for enhancement requests in the support policy document (see link above).
- (Optional.) Add the product Version that you have a question about, or with which you experienced the issue.
- (Optional.) Add one or more attachments. Click Add file and navigate to a file (for example, a screen shot or log) to upload, or drag and drop files into the area provided.
- Click Submit.
Viewing your ticket
To view your ticket, you can click the link ending with the ticket number in the "Request received" email.
This opens your ticket in the meshIQ mySupport System:
Editing your ticket
To add details to the ticket, do one of the following:
- Add details using the space provided and click Submit. Your new entry is displayed beneath existing entries, as shown below.
- Reply via email to a ticket email you've received. Be sure to write your response above the line, as indicated.
View a list of your tickets
Click your Name at the top of the page and select My activities.
Your list of requests is displayed on the Requests tab (underlined at the top of the page).
You can view and edit any of your own tickets on the My Requests tab. |
To view and add comments to requests that you were copied on, click Requests I'm CC'd on. |
To view and add comments to all tickets from your organization, click the Organization requests link under My Requests. |
To create a new ticket, click Submit a request. |