In version 11.1 and earlier, select ‘Configure Schemas’ from the User Settings menu in the main menu to create and manage data view schemas. Schemas are used to customize how data is displayed in table viewlets using various filters. The Schemas window opens.
In version 11.2, select User Settings > Configure Schemas from the left toolbar.
Click the pencil icon to edit existing schemas. To delete a schema, simply click the trashcan icon . Click the Create button to create a new schema.
Create/Edit Schema
To create a schema, click the Create button on the Schemas window. Specify the Schema Name (required). Multiple item types can be added to a schema (activity, event, snapshot). To add an item type, select it from the Item Type drop-down menu. Add filters to the item type by clicking the Add fields button.
On the window that opens, users specify what fields should be displayed in viewlets and the order in which they should be displayed.
From the Available Fields box located on the left side of the screen, select a field, and click the right arrow button to add the field to the Selected Fields section on the right side of the screen. Multiple fields can be selected and added at one time by holding down the Ctrl key. Select the Move all button with right arrows to move all available fields.
Use the left arrow button or the left Move all button to remove the fields from the Selected Fields section.
On the right side of the Selected Fields section, use Move to Top , Move to Bottom , Move Up and Move Down arrows to change the field sequence. This is the order the fields will appear in viewlets.
In the Current item type fields sorted by drop-down menu, all fields within the Selected Fields section will appear. Select a field to be used as the main field for sorting viewlets.
You can specify alias names for the selected fields. These names will display in viewlets instead of the default names of the fields. To do this, click the Aliases button. A screen opens listing all fields that were selected. Enter the alias name for all desired fields. If you do not want an alias name used for a field, simply leave it blank. In the below example, EventID will display as “ID” and EventName will display as “Name” in viewlets.
Click Apply when you are finished.
In the following window, the summary details of your newly created schema appear. Click the pencil icon to edit, or the trashcan icon to delete this schema. Click Save to save the configurations done.
The created schema now appears in a schemas list. See Configure / change layout in the Dashboard menu article to learn how to apply a schema to a dashboard’s viewlets.