With the meshIQ platform, in addition to monitoring, managing, and tracking messages in MQ running on an MQ Appliance, you can also monitor and alert on the metrics produced by the appliance itself.
Using SNMP on the MQ appliance our SNMP expert can be used to collect configuration, status, and trap information from the MQ Appliance directly.
The data collected differs from the information being collected for queue managers running on the MQ Appliance in that, like the data from our DataPower solution, they represent the performance of the hardware itself.
To do this, you will need to enable SNMP on your MQ Appliance, and deploy two SNMP Poll Monitor experts, one for status and one for configuration, and one SNMP Trap Monitor expert.
Enabling SNMP on MQ Appliance
When you configure SNMP on the appliance, you enable one or more SNMP managers to interrogate the appliance to retrieve information about its current state. SNMP can be enabled using the web UI for the appliance. We recommend the following settings:
‘Remote Host Address’ should be the IP address of your management server.
Deploying SNMP experts
Using the Enterprise Manager UI, deploy two SNMP Poll monitor experts to retrieve information about the current state of the MQ Appliance.
They should be configured as follows:
To enable the solution to receive SNMP traps from the MQ Appliance, you will need to deploy an SNMP Trap Monitor expert using the enterprise manager console.
It should be configured as follows:
The default ‘Trap Port’ of 162 can only be used by the ‘root’ user. You will have to use a port like 6162 since AutoPilot should not be run under ‘root’.
The experts require the mqStatusMIB, mqConfigMIB, and mqNotificatioMIB files, which can be obtained from the appliance:
You can view the MIB files in the web UI. When the file is open, right click on the screen and select ‘Save as’. They should be placed in the /opt/nastel/AutoPilotM6/mibs/ietf directory on the management server.
And the following policy:
Copy and paste the code below into Notepad and save it as a PXML file.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<java version="1.8.0_301" class="java.beans.XMLDecoder">
<object class="com.nastel.nfc.ui.admin.statustree.Sensor" id="Sensor0">
<void property="environment">
<void property="expLogging">
<void id="intArray0" property="ignoreFor"/>
<void property="ignoreFor">
<object idref="intArray0"/>
<void id="StringArray0" property="ignoreFrom">
<void index="0">
<void index="1">
<void index="2">
<void index="3">
<void index="4">
<void index="5">
<void index="6">
<void property="ignoreFrom">
<object idref="StringArray0"/>
<void id="booleanArray0" property="ignoreOn"/>
<void property="ignoreOn">
<object idref="booleanArray0"/>
<void property="inheritDatabaseSettings">
<void property="inheritLogFileSettings">
<void property="initialSev">
<void id="Vector0" property="inputs">
<void method="add">
<object class="com.nastel.nfc.ui.admin.statustree.CloneSensor" id="CloneSensor0">
<void id="intArray1" property="ignoreFor"/>
<void property="ignoreFor">
<object idref="intArray1"/>
<void id="StringArray1" property="ignoreFrom">
<void index="0">
<void index="1">
<void index="2">
<void index="3">
<void index="4">
<void index="5">
<void index="6">
<void property="ignoreFrom">
<object idref="StringArray1"/>
<void id="booleanArray1" property="ignoreOn"/>
<void property="ignoreOn">
<object idref="booleanArray1"/>
<void property="logDatabaseDriver">
<void property="logDatabasePassword">
<void property="logDatabaseType">
<void property="logDatabaseUrl">
<void property="logStateChanges">
<void property="modelSensorFileName">
<void property="name">
<void property="sensorType">
<void property="valueFormat">
<void property="version">
<void property="inputs">
<object idref="Vector0"/>
<void property="logDatabaseDriver">
<void property="logDatabasePassword">
<void property="logDatabaseType">
<void property="logDatabaseUrl">
<void property="name">
<string>MQ_Appliance Status Monitor </string>
<void property="sensorType">
<void property="valueFormat">
There is additional information available via SNMP. If you request additional data, you will need to review the MIB files, add the appropriate oid’s to the corresponding SNMP expert, and add a new sensor to the policy.