Perform the below steps to edit an existing schema:
- In version 11.1 and earlier, click on the main menu button located at the top right of your screen and select User Settings > Configure Schemas.
In version 11.2, select User settings > Configure Schemas from the left toolbar.
Configure Schemas in version 11.1 and earlier Configure Schemas in version 11.2 - The Schemas window opens listing all existing schemas for the repository you currently have loaded (each repository has different schemas). Click the pencil button for the schema you would like to edit.
- The item type configurations of the selected schema are displayed on the next screen. You can also see the included fields for each item type configuration. Click the pencil button for the one you want to edit.
In version 11.1 and earlier
In version 11.2
- The following screen opens where you can add and remove fields and change their order. You can click the Alias button to specify custom names for the selected fields (these names will display in viewlets instead of their default names). Click Apply Changes.
- You are brought back to the view of all item type configurations for that schema. You can edit other item types, or click Save to finish.