The Configure Viewlet displays all visible viewlets for the current user, excluding console viewlets, and provides a quick and simple management interface.
In version 11.2, to configure viewlets, select Viewlets > Configure Viewlets from the left toolbar. The Configure Viewlets dialog opens.
- Viewlet Name: It only displays the names of viewlets that are not console viewlets. Use the 'Search By' option to filter the viewlets.
- Viewlet Type: Use the 'Search By' filter box in the Viewlet Type column to select from a list of available graphs used to create the viewlet.
- Dashboard Name- Indicates the dashboard to which the viewlet is assigned.
- Orphan- Use the column filter box to select from True/False options. If "True" is selected, the viewlet is not assigned to any dashboard. If "False" is selected, the viewlet is assigned to a dashboard.
- Open: It displays whether the viewlet is open and visible in the assigned dashboard, which means it will appear when you view that dashboard.
- Is Stored: Use the column filter box to select from True/False options. If you select "True," the viewlet displayed has been saved at least once in the currently assigned dashboard. If you select "False," it will show non-stored viewlets. When you create a new non-console viewlet in a dashboard, it exists as a temporary, unsaved viewlet until you click "Save." While unsaved, the viewlet has limited capabilities (e.g., you cannot share it until it is saved).
- Shared: Use the column filter box to select from True/False options. If you select "True," the displayed viewlets are already shared. You will see three icons in this column:
- Stop Viewlet Share : Restricts further sharing of the viewlet.
- Edit Shared Viewlet : Click this icon to open the Configure Viewlet dialog box, where you can edit sharing configuration details.
- Copy to Clipboard : Allows you to share the viewlet publicly or enable embedding by individuals who do not have accounts. Clicking this option lets you share the viewlet in the following ways:
- Using an iframe HTML: Embed the viewlet into a webpage with an iframe, which displays the viewlet directly on that page.
- Direct Link Access: Copy the link provided in the
attribute of the iframe HTML and open the viewlet directly in a browser, without embedding it on a webpage.
If you select "False," the display will show viewlets that are not shared. You will see only the share icon, which you can click to immediately share the viewlet. If no icons are displayed, the viewlet is not stored and therefore cannot be shared.
To delete multiple viewlets, select the viewlets you want to delete by clicking the Delete Viewlet icon in the rightmost column. After selecting, click the "Save" button to complete the deletion process.