To convert a log/trace from a spool file to a format for transmitting to Support, follow this procedure:
- On the command line type the Work with Spool Files command, WRKSPLF, to display the Work with Printer Output screen and find the spool file of interest.
- Enter option 9 (Work with printing status) to display the job information and record the values for Job, User, and Number. Example:
- Create a physical file in a library for copying the spool file contents.
Command line example:CRTPF FILE(NASTEMP/SPLFILES) RCDLEN(120) MBR(*NONE) TEXT('Spool files for xfer to Nastel')
Physical file SPLFILES is created in library NASTEMP and allows for members with up to 120 characters per record.
- Using the copy spool file command (CPYSPLF), copy the spool file to a member of the physical file using the QPRINT job information from step 2.
System response:Member MSGSRVTRC added to file SPLFILES in NASTEMP.
Or you can use F4=Prompt to display the following screen, enter the QPRINT job information, and press Enter.
- Verify the copied spool file by viewing it with command WRKMBRPDM.
Command line example:WRKMBRPDM nastemp/splfiles
Enter option 5 (Display) next to the member you copied. - FTP in ASCII the spool file member of the physical file to your PC. Then email it to or attach it to your problem report.