Licenses are configured with an expiration date; your workgroup server will no longer start after your license expires. See the steps below on how to retrieve and install a new license.
Check out the article, Creating a policy for your Workgroup Server Expert 10.x license, for instructions on how to implement a policy that will send you an e-mail notification 30 days prior to the expiration date of your workgroup server. In versions 10.4.2 and later, you can choose to display a banner warning prior to the expiration date by selecting the Display license expiry notice check box on the Global Notice tab of the Global Settings window.
Step 1: Obtain your license
Refer to the article, My license is expiring, how do I get a new one?, for information on how to get a new license.
Upgrading from v6.x to v10x: The license file for version 10.x differs from 6.x. Confirm you are using the correct license by opening the license file and viewing the parameters. The difference between the two versions is that licenses for 10.x will have the parameter, EXPERT(YES). Please do not update the contents of the license file as this will invalidate the license.
Step 2: Install your license
- The name of your new license file will be AutoPilotWMQ_xyz.lic, where xyz is the name of the workgroup server. Create a backup of this new file for safe keeping.
- Stop the workgroup server.
- Go to the General tab of the server's properties to determine the expiring license's location. Within the License File field, if only the license file name appears (the full path is not specified), then the file is located in the following default directory:
For UNIX:/opt/nastel/AutoPilotM6/localhost
For Windows:C:\nastel\AutoPilotM6\localhost
Otherwise, a custom file name path will appear within this field. Rename the expiring license file to back it up.
- Transfer in your new license file within the path identified in step #3.
- Restart your workgroup server.
Step 3: Confirm that your license was properly installed
Drill down into your workgroup server to view the license expiration date. Your license was properly installed if the new expiration displays.
Another way to confirm that your license was properly installed is to check the logs that are created after the server is started. Perform the following:
- Open the following AutoPilot logs to view the details of your license file.
For Windows:
If the license was successfully installed, the workgroup server will return the parameters of the license (including the new expiration date), similar to the following example:
EXPIRATION_DATE(Fri Jun 10 00.00.00 2019)