If you are receiving a red error message on the bottom right of your screen titled, Could not connect to WGS, your WGS has a connection issue. There could be a connection issue with the WGS itself, or with its configurations in the application.
First you can try to reconnect to all workgroup servers using the Connect button. It is located on the main toolbar:
If this does not help, see the below sections for troubleshooting suggestions.
Confirm that the WGS is running
If you are receiving the below error message stating, Can't connect to the agent, make sure it's running, check the following to confirm that the WGS is running successfully:
- Confirm that the WGS is running in Services.
- Was the WGS possibly started from the Console? Start it from Services instead.
- Check the properties of the WGS. Maybe the port is blocked? Is the IP address correct?
Check WGS configurations
If the WGS is successfully running, there must be an issue with the WGS configuration. Check the following:
- Did the IP change? The error message will state, Can't connect to the agent, make sure it's running, as seen above.
- Is the correct password used? An error message, as seen below, will appear stating, Wrong password specified.
Perform the following to update the WGS's settings and reconnect:
1. On the Workgroup Servers viewlet located on the WorkSpace dashboard, locate the disconnected workgroup server. The status will display as Not connected.
2. Select the WGS. From the pop-up menu that appears, select Edit workgroup server.
3. Update the necessary credentials. Click the Verify button to connect.
If the connection is successful, Verified in green will display.
4. Click Apply to save your changes. The WGS is now reconnected.