Summary viewlets are used to quickly view various data totals of the repository. They are displayed in the Summary panel.
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Adding summary viewlets
From a dashboard
Add a new summary viewlet from a dashboard viewlet by clicking the Change chart type and selecting the Summary chart type.
With a form
When creating a viewlet using a from, users can specify to add a summary viewlet. Within the Fields section, enable the Count option. Depending on the data type, this option can be displayed as Events Count, Activities Count, or Snapshots Count.
When Create is clicked and the viewlet is generated, a summary viewlet will also be created.
From the Create/Open Summary dialog
1. Click the Create Summary icon
2. The Create/Open Summary dialog opens. You can Create a Basic Summary, Create a Summary Based on Objectives or Open Existing Summary.
When creating a dashboard
When adding a new dashboard, enable Generate Initial Viewlets on the Create new Dashboard dialog. Three default viewlets will be created: Activities Count, Events Count and Snapshots Count.
Create / Open Summary Viewlet dialog
Create a Basic Summary
Selecting the Create a Basic Summary option will open the Create Summary dialog. Specify Define Query and Viewlet Name.
The summary viewlet is now created in the Summary panel.
Create a Summary Based on Objectives
Selecting Create a Summary Based on Objectives on the Create/Open Summary dialog will open the Wizard: Summary Based on Objectives dialog.
Perform the following:
1. Select all desired objectives. Multiple objectives can be selected from the same set.
2. Select either Activities or Events for the Data Type.
3. Select a time limit from the drop-down menu.
4. Enter a name for the viewlet within the Viewlet name field. From the Dashboard drop-down, select which dashboard the new viewlet should be added to. Click Save.
The viewlet is now added to the Summary panel with three fields:
- All: Represents the count of activities that met the criteria of all selected objectives.
- Partial: Displays the count of activities that met the criteria of at least one of the selected objectives.
- None: The count of activities which did not meet any of the selected objectives’ criteria.
Open Existing Summary
Selecting Open Existing Summary on Create/Open Summary dialog will open the Open Existing Viewlet dialog. Select a viewlet and click Open. The dashboard’s focus will now be the selected viewlet.
The Open Existing Viewlet dialog can also be opened from the Main Menu.
Summary viewlet properties
Tear off viewlets
The Summary Dock can be opened in its own browser window. Click the Tear Off button to view the summary viewlets in a separate window.
Edit viewlet query
Click the Edit Query button to update the viewlet’s query.
Refresh viewlets
To refresh summary viewlets, click the Refresh Viewlet button. This process will check for new data.
Exact total
Hover over counts to view the exact total.
Reset query
Click the Reset Query button to reset a viewlet’s jKQL query to the last saved query.
Viewlet menu
The Summary Viewlet Menu button allows users to edit, save, save as, remove or delete summary viewlets.
Summary viewlet options
Edit viewlet
Selecting Edit Viewlet allows users to update the summary viewlet’s details using a form. After making updates, click Preview to view changes before saving. To cancel and discard changes, click Close. To save changes made, click Apply.
Visual history of changes
The Summary viewlets include line charts displaying increase/decrease count history as seen in the below figure.