Some of the content described in this article is available in meshIQ Manage versions 11.1.1 and later. See meshIQ platform Highlights v11.1 for an overview of feature changes.
Your application Administrator will create workgroup server connection definitions that are available for you to use. In many cases, you will only work with default connections, but in some cases you may have additional instances to select from. Perform the following to add additional workgroup server connections:
- On the WorkSpace dashboard, click the Add button located at the top left of the Workgroup servers viewlet.
- The Connect to WGS dialog box displays. Select the workgroup server that you want to connect to.
- Click Save Changes. You are returned to the WorkSpace dashboard where all of your selected connections are listed.
In meshIQ Manage version 11, you can color-code objects by workgroup server. See Configuring viewlet and workgroup server colors.