Some users experience a high number of metrics being collected by WGS_Event_Monitor. If installed with default options, the metrics it collects are set to not expire. If you are generating a lot of events or have statistics turned on, these will eventually creates thousands of metrics and can potentially cause an out of memory condition.
To verify if you have this configured correctly, right click on WGS_Event_Monitor and Show Properties
Navigator to the Fact Options tab
If Expire facts(ms) shows 0 then any data being collected will be kept forever.
We suggest the following options
Setting Expire facts(ms) to 300000 (5 minutes) ensures that no data persists longer than 5 minutes. This is suitable time to create any events and possibly compound events related to them.
The purpose of setting Include Expire Filter (regexp) to .*(Events|Statistics).* is so that the expire only applies specifically to Events and Statistics metrics not to other metrics produced. For example, connectivity information will not expire.
After changing the setting, click on Apply and it will confirm you want to change it, select Yes
The new settings will take affect for any new data added but is not applied to existing data. To remove any metrics already collected, stop the WGS_EVENT_Monitor, select Clear Facts, and then Start it.