- WGS_11.0.2.4.pkg -- Workgroup Server Expert
- webapps\manage.war -- Manage (Navigator) war files (
- webapps\manage-server.war -- Manage (Navigator) war files (
- webapps\secure.war -- Secure (Navxwsm) war files (
- webapps\secure-server.war -- Secure (Navxwsm) war files (
- nsqcmace.jar -- IIB/ACE Connection Manager (
- nsqcmems.jar -- Tibco EMS Connection Manager (
- nsqcmkafka.jar -- Kafka Connection Manager (
- nsqcmmq.jar -- MQ Java Connection Manager/Agent (
- nsqcmsolace.jar -- Solace Connection Manager (
- nsqcmrabbitmq.jar -- RabbitMQ Connection Manager (
- WGSRP-11.0.0.pkg -- Workgroup Server Resource Pack
- AP_IBMMQ-11.0.1.pkg -- MQ plugin for WorkGroup Server
- AP_IBMMQRP-11.0.1.pkg -- MQ plugin for WorkGroup Server Resource Pack
- nsqcmace.properties.sample -- IIB/ACE CM sample properties file
- nsqcmems.properties.sample -- Tibco EMS CM sample properties file
- nsqcmkafka.properties.sample -- Kafka CM sample properties file
- nsqcmmq.properties.sample -- MQ Java CM sample properties file
- nsqcmsolace.properties.sample -- Solace CM sample properties file
- nsqcmrabbitmq.properties.sample -- RabbitMQ CM sample properties file
Installation overview
- Stop all Nastel processes (including CEP and Domain Server).
- Back up the %APWMQ_HOME% directory and existing database tables.
- Place Manage_11.0.2.zip in the installation directory (%APWMQ_HOME%).
- Unzip the file.
- Extract contents 'here', under %APWMQ_HOME% replacing existing content.
- Run pkgman to install the latest WGS Expert package
a. if a new install, install additional packages such as resource packs, scheduler, experts - Run nsqjdbcmk to upgrade your database tables
- Copy the war files from the webapps folder to the Tomcat webapps folder.
- Restart Nastel processes
- Finalize any setup for WGS operation, including configuration of WGS, REST API, and scheduler
This installation requires the meshIQ platform v11.0.x core components to be installed first.
Version 11 features the following major enhancements. Other changes are listed below.
- 28039: [Workgroup Server] Add support for RabbitMQ
- 26701: [Dashboards] Enhancement Request - Multiple WGS selection when creating dashboards and Viewlets
- 26631: Ability to verify and see status of remote connection manager connections.
- 26629: Export and import remote connection manager definitions
- 27621: "Undo" the last remote connection manager action
- 27622: Use an existing connection manager to create a new one
- 26703: Adjust attribute filter criteria as needed with new attribute filter variables
Hot fix 2
Manage HTML WebGUI
NV-15: Put message action repeats itself after a timeout
NV-25: Navigator security
NV-39: Unable to create dashboards and viewlets connecting to DB2 ZOS
NV-46: Exception causing to repeat api request
NV-76: Unable to create queue using zos Agent
NV-79: Use sessions so GUI doesn't have to login multiple times
NV-85: Queue status window does not display queue depth for zOS qmgr via remote connection
NV-114: Upon Log-in multiple authorization calls to wgs
NV-145: Not showing up Queue and Channel attributes in EMS Display Schema Settings.
NV-183: Shared storage support for Kafka messages
Workgroup Server Expert
NV-48: MQ channel status being misreported
NV-79: Use sessions so GUI doesn't have to login multiple times
NV-87: Connection String information is not shown completely if it is more than 48 characters in navigator QMGR viewlet.
NV-97: Optimize Event SQL when they are unlimited
NV-129: Kafka partition result list includes consumer offsets when system filter is not checked
NV-133: WGS RestAPI improvement to send IMB MQ object operation by qmgr only on first active node
NV-173: Shared storage support for Kafka messages
NV-181: InquireChl and InquireChlNames should return XmitQ details
Kafka Administration
NV-56: Kafka messsage handling needs to be opitimized
NV-169: nsqcmkafka: NullPointer on kafka messages browse
NV-188 nsqcmkafka needs to support browse count MMS_UNLIMITED (-1)
EMS Administration
NV-113: CM for EMS Improvements to discovery and message management