Before moving ahead, go to Deploying an expert to create a counter expert sample, which will be used in this example.
What decides if a fact is normal or abnormal? This is a policy that observes the facts and based on rules, makes this determination. A policy has to have a manager to enforce it, so the first step in creating a policy is to create a policy manager.
Right-click on the CEP Server and Select Deploy Manager > Default > Policy Manager. Policy managers can also be deployed in the Domain Server, but this is only for special cases.
Each policy manager needs a name but the renaming options can be left as default for now. Enter My_Policy_Manager, select Deploy, OK, and Close.
You should now see an entry Policy_Managers with My_Policy_Manager underneath it in the tree (as shown in the image below). However, we have not yet assigned it any policies to enforce.
A policy manager name can be anything that is meaningful to the policies it represents, for example, policies for the trade verification application are in Trade_Verification_Manager. Using Manager as a suffix is an option to make them easy to identify. They can also contain blanks, but this is not good practice as these could be used in events or emails and the blanks are difficult to parse.