Subject: Navigator Server 10.4.1
Date: 18-May-2022
Prereq: AutoPilot SU33 is required before installing 10.4.1
Note: 10.4.1 is a full release of Navigator that is compatible with Service Update 33 of AutoPilot. This service update introduces changes that are not compatible with existing versions of several Navigator components. Please review the SU33 release notes before continuing.
If you are running 10.4.0 on an earlier version of AutoPilot, there is no immediate requirement to update. If you are running 10.3.x or earlier, then updating to Service Update 33 and 10.4.1 or later is the recommended approach.
10.4.2 is available and should be installed instead of 10.4.1. See 10.4.2 release notes
- WGS_10.4.1.2.pkg -- Workgroup Server 10 Expert
- webapps\navigator.war -- Navigator war files (
- webapps\navigator-server.war -- Navigator war files (
- webapps\navxwsm.war -- Navigator X Secutiry Manager (
- nsqcmems.jar -- Tibco EMS Agent
- nsqcmkafka.jar -- Kafka Agent
- nsqcmace.jar -- IIB/ACE Agent
- nsqcmsolace.jar -- Solace Agent
- -- Solace properties
- WGS_REST_10.4.0.pkg -- Workgroup Server 10 REST Prereq Pack
- WGSRP-10.3.0.pkg -- Workgroup Server 10 Resource Pack
- AP_IBMMQ-10.4.1.pkg -- MQ plugin for WorkGroup Server 10
- AP_IBMMQRP-10.4.1.pkg -- MQ plugin for WorkGroup Server 10 Resource Pack
Including but unchanged since 10.2.x:
- webapps\apodwsm.war -- Web Secutiry Manager (10.2.3)
- -- IIB/ACE properties
Including but unchanged since 10.1.x:
- -- Kafka Agent properties
- -- EMS Agent properties
This package can be used for a new installation or to update an existing installation.
Please see the WGS Expert installation guide for specific steps to proceed.
This version ships a new security manager web application (navxwsm). The package also includes the original web security manager (apodwsm).
Both are compatible with 10.4 and either (or both) can be used. The new one offers significant usage improvements and benefits.
Support for Solace Pubsub+ is new for this release. The primary deliverable was support via the REST API, but we included GUI viewlet support. We encourage comments regarding this new functionality.
Installation Overview
- Stop all Naigator processes (including CEP and Domain Server).
- Back up the %APWMQ_HOME% directory and existing database tables.
- Place in the installation directory (%APWMQ_HOME%).
- Unzip the file.
- Extract contents 'here', under %APWMQ_HOME% replacing existing content.
- Run pkgman to install the latest WGS_10 package
a) if a new install, install additional packages such as resource packs, scheduler, experts
- Run nsqjdbcmk to upgrade your database tables
- Copy the war files from the webapps folder to the Tomcat webapps folder.
- Restart Navigator processes
- Finalize any setup for WGS operation including configuration of WGS, REST API and scheduler
Navigator HTML WebGUI
24908: [Feature] Support deleting of IIB message flows
25368: [Viewlet] Viewlet Filter By specific columns not all columns
25383: [Feature] Ability to sort data on two different columns at viewlet level
25543: [Feature] Provide "freeze pane" option in Navigator Viewlet
25680: [Dashboards] Login with all viewlets collapsed
25914: [Feature] Add Ability to set navigator session timeouts via GUI
25925: [Feature] Add a global setting to set a minimum viewlet refresh interval value
26072: [Feature] Provide quick access for force update for local queues when viewlet result set is 100 or less
26078: [Feature] Ability to change ownership of dashboards from one user to another
26137: [Dashboards] IIB Navigator GUI does not show Activity Logs for message flows.
26486: [Security Exposure] upgrade from log4j v1 to log4j v2
26527: [Viewlet] Use Result limit for each type, when selecting "All" for queues and channels
various internal bug fixes
Workgroup Server Expert
24807: [Feature] Audit Logging does not appear to provide expected level of detail
25119: [Bug] Only single instance of the cluster queue displayed in the viewlet
25387: [Bug] POST request is failing for channels
25454: [Feature] Add support for setting queue manager certlabl
25481: [Feature] Add project number / ait to the APODWSM database and audit report
26052: [Bug] If WGS encounters error loading cache, it should stop
26287: [Feature] Add support for Tibco JNDI Connection Factories
26328: [Feature] Add support for EMS JNDI Connection Factories
0026051: [Feature] Solace REST support
0026328: [Feature] Add support for EMS JNDI Connection Factories
EMS Administration
0026286: [General] Add support for JNDI Connection Factories
Solace Administration
0026048: [General] CM for Solace Foundation