Licenses are configured with an expiration date; XRay will no longer start after your license expires. See the steps below on how to retrieve and install a new license.
Step 1: Obtain your license
Refer to the article, My license is expiring, how do I get a new one?, for information on how to get a new license.
You can open your license file to view the parameters, but do not update it as this will invalidate the license.
Step 2: Install your license (version 1.6 deployment pack installations)
If your installation was done using a version 1.5 deployment pack, then in the command in step 6 below, replace /dbapi/
with /jkool-dbapi/
- The name of your new license file will be XRay_xyz.lic, where xyz represents the organization name. Create a backup of this file for safe keeping.
- Confirm that ZooKeeper and Solr are running.
- Restart the CEP server.
- Start the Solr cluster.
- Load the license by running the following commands. The first command changes the directory and the second command loads the license. (Java is required in the path for the command to run.)
- Be sure to change <path_to_lic-file> (include path and file name), <solr-url> and <pwd> accordingly.
If Solr authentication is not enabled:
>cd $APIN_HOME/misc/dbapi/current
If Solr authentication is enabled, specify the following arguments to
>bin/ -loadlic -f:<path_to_lic-file> –C:<solr-url> -U:Administrator -P:<pwd>-UD:<solruser> -PD:<solrpwd>
, as shown below:
>cd $APIN_HOME/misc/dbapi/current
The following is an example:
>bin/ -loadlic -f:<path_to_lic-file> –C:<solr-url> -U:Administrator -P:<pwd> UD:<solruser> -PD:<solrpwd>>cd $APIN_HOME/misc/dbapi/current
>bin/ -loadlic -f:$APIN_HOME/misc/license/<newlicense.lic> -C:http://localhost:8983 -U:Administrator -P:admin
Step 3: Confirm that your license was properly installed
Confirm that your license was properly installed by viewing the license's parameters. Perform the following:
- Within XRay, run the following jKQL query:
jKQL> get license
- Your license's parameters will display if the license file was successfully installed. The results should be similar to the below screenshot. Use the scroll bars to view all fields.