If you are a longtime user of meshIQ products, our policies and sensors are an important way for you to monitor your infrastructure.
Enterprise Manager
In AutoPilot Enterprise Manager, policy managers are displayed in a tree view:
You can expand a policy manager’s tree nodes in Enterprise Manager to view the policies within it. But one of the limitations of Enterprise Manager is that the data you can see is two-dimensional. You can only drill down one path at a time.
Below, a policy and its sensors are shown in Enterprise Manager:
You can expand policy names to show details.
The meshIQ Platform Track user interface
The same Policy managers that exist in Enterprise Manager are also available in the tracking user interface, as shown below. For the meshIQ Platform versions 11 and later, no setup is required. See How do I make AutoPilot sensors available to jKQL queries? for information about setup requirements for some versions.
For example, to view a list of policy managers in a viewlet in the meshIQ Platform Track user interface, use this jKQL query:
Get Policymanager
To view a list of individual policies for each Policy manager in a viewlet, use this jKQL query:
Get Policy
This jKQL query displays a list of all sensors that are running:
Get sensors
To narrow down results, a jKQL query like the one shown below can select Kafka sensors by name:
Get sensors where SensorName contains ‘Kafka’
You can also select sensors by policy name:
Get Sensor where PolicyName = ‘KAFKA_Cluster.pxml’
Combine criteria by settings multiple conditions:
Get sensors where SensorName contains ‘Kafka’ and PolicyName = ‘KAFKA_Cluster.pxml’
Sensors displayed using different viewlet types
As noted above, in Enterprise Manager, you are limited to seeing only one data point at a time. But with the meshIQ Platform, you can display sensors visually and drill down into detailed data. The pie chart example below breaks down sensor values by severity:
Get sensor where PolicyName contains ‘KAFKA’ group by severity show as piechart
Click the pie slice for which you want to view data to list the records that are represented.
To simulate the Enterprise Manger interface, you can also see sensor data as a tree.
Get sensor where PolicyName contains ‘KAFKA’ group by severity show as tree
You can expand policy names to show details.
Specify additional field names as needed:
Get sensor fields name, SensorHealth where PolicyName contains ‘KAFKA’ show as tree
To view all sensor fields, include “all” in your query:
Get sensor fields all where PolicyName contains ‘KAFKA’ show as tree