The meshIQ Platform requires a version 11 license. Contact your meshIQ sales representative for details.
These instructions pertain to upgrading to meshIQ Platform Track 11.2.0 from XRay 1.5. For instructions on upgrading from meshIQ Platform Track 11.2.0, see meshIQ Platform Track release notes: v11.2.0.
The meshIQ platform core services are leveraged by all modules in the meshIQ platform for run time services. You must install the core services before installing any related modules.
- Stop Web, CEP and Domain.
./ web
./ cep
./ domain - The Java version needs to be upgraded from version 11.0.2 to version 11.0.19
- Place the file jdk-11.0.19_linux-x64_bin.tar.gz file under /opt/nastel/java folder.
- Untar the file using the command
tar -zxvf jdk-11.0.19_linux-x64_bin.tar.gz
- Unlink the old version using the command:
unlink current
unlink jre - Link the newer version using the command:
ln -s jdk-11.0.19 current
ln -s jdk-11.0.19 jre - Place ds-db-utils-11.2.0.tar.gz file in /opt/nastel/misc/jkool-dbapi folder
- Untar it using the command
tar -zxvf ds-db-utils-11.2.0.tar.gz
- Unlink the current version using the command
Unlink current
- Link the folder using the command :
ln -s ds-db-utils-11.2.0 current
- Now, in AutoPilotM6/updates folder place the following files:
The name of the service update has been changed from
- Here, as we are upgrading from 1.5 to 11.2.0 the Service Update versions are varied, as we cannot upgrade from AP60_SU33.0.2 to AP_Core-11.2 directly, we need to upgrade to AP60_SU34 first and then to AP_Core-11.2.
- Similarly, Job Scheduler shall be upgraded from to 0.1.16 and then to 11.2.0 version.
- Go to /opt/nastel/AutoPilotM6/bin and run the following commands:
./pkgman ../updates/AP60_SU34.pkg
./pkgman ../updates/JOB_SCHEDULER-0.1.16.pkg
./pkgman ../updates/AP_CORE-11.2.pkg
./pkgman ../updates/AP_AIM-11.2.pkg
./pkgman ../updates/JOB_SCHEDULER-11.2.pkg
./pkgman ../updates/DATA_SERVICE-11.2.pkgAfter running each command above the domain service needs to be started and stopped. For that go to /opt/nastel/sbin and run the following
./ domain
./ domain
- Then, please navigate to /opt/nastel/AutoPilotM6/updates, untar the API and UI files and place them in the apache-tomcat/webapps folder.
- For that first please go to /opt/nastel/AutoPilotM6/updates and untar the following packages using commands:
tar -zxvf ds-api-11.2.0.tar.pkg
tar -zxvf track-ui-11.2.0.tar.pkg - The ds-api.war and track.war files will be extracted. Move these two files to /opt/nastel/AutoPilotM6/apache-tomcat/webapps using the command:
mv ds-api.war /opt/nastel/AutoPilotM6/apache-tomcat/webapps
mv track.war /opt/nastel/AutoPilotM6/apache-tomcat/webapps - Then go to the same location
cd /opt/nastel/AutoPilotM6/apache-tomcat/webapps
to verify the new var files and delete the older once. - Older files can be deleted using the following commands:
rm -rf jkool-service.war
rm -rf xray.war
rm -rf jkool-service
rm -rf xray - Again navigate to the conf folder
cd /opt/nastel/AutoPilotM6/apache-tomcat/conf
and edit the server.xml file using the command
vi server.xml
- File names should be changed in two different places within the server.xml file, as shown below:
Replace the name xray to track
Replace the name xray.war to track.war
Replace the name jkool-service to ds-api
Replace the name jkool-service.war to ds-api.warPlease refer the following screenshots:
- Save the edited file.
- Then start the Domain service.
./ domain
- Since we are upgrading to version 11, the license also needs to be updated. Please update the license to version 11.
- Since it is a major upgrade, components such as Kafka, ActiveMQ, and Log4j files in Solr need to be upgraded as well. Here are the links for their upgradation.
How do I manually update the Kafka component?
How do I manually update the ActiveMQ component?
How do I manually update the Log4j version - For the Solr database update, please go to /opt/nastel/misc/jkool-dbapi/current/bin and run the following by giving the right parameters:
./ -pwd <jkql-admin-pwd> [-solr <solr-home>][-sh <solr-host>] [-sp <solr-port>] [-zh <zookeeper-host>][-zp <zookeeper-port>] [-zr <zookeeper-root>]
The following example assumes that Solr is running on the local node and is using ZooKeeper that is also on the local node, and uses the default meshIQ platform configuration:./ -pwd admin -solr /opt/meshiq/xray/solr/current-sh localhost -sp 8983 -zh localhost -zp 2181 -zr /xraysolr
- Later, go to /opt/nastel/AutoPilotM6/jkool/scripts and run the command:
The recreate topics script requires a local Kafka installation, even if the broker is remote. If there is no local Kafka installation, then copy the script to any location on the server that is running the broker. - All the topics will be recreated.
- Start CEP and Web services.
./ cep
./ web - Now, connect to the UI using the URL http://localhost:8080/track> check the current version of the UI to make sure that it has been updated properly.