Subject: Hot Fix Navigator
Date: 28-July-2024
- webapps\navigator.war -- Navigator war files (
- webapps\navigator-server.war -- Navigator war files (
- webapps\navxwsm -- Navigator X Security Manager (
- WGS_10.5.0.51.pkg -- Workgroup Server Expert (
- nsqcmace.jar -- CM for ACE/IIB (
- nsqcmems.jar -- CM for EMS (
- nsqcmkafka.jar -- CM for Kafka (
- nsqcmsolace.jar -- CM for Solace (
This package is a Hot Fix that can only be applied to Nav_Server_10.5.0 environments.
If you have an earlier e-fix version, you must first install 10.5.0 before applying this Hot Fix.
Installation Overview
- Stop all Navigator processes.
- Place in the installation directory (%APWMQ_HOME%).
- Unzip the file.
- Extract contents 'here', under %APWMQ_HOME% replacing existing content.
- Run pkgman to install the latest WGS_10 package (if changed).
- Copy the war files from the webapps folder to the Tomcat webapps folder.
- Restart Navigator processes.
Hot Fix 14
NV-690: Force update for kafka connectors is not getting latest data.
NV-716: KSQL Schema attributes not showing up
NV-752: Navigator MQ snapshot is missing msgexit setting
NV-767: Can't export single message to a file from Kafka topic
NV-799: Navigator is not showing the unknown object names in the QMGr events
Workgroup Server
NV-659: Collect and publish "Current Spool Usage" for Solace MSG VPN, Queues, and Topic Endpoints
NV-750: On AIX, WGS and CM won't work together
NV-764: Solace DEV and UAT Navigator losing Solace client-usernames after creation
NV-648: CMs need to pass version in more than just Register message
NV-648: CMs need to pass version in more than just Register message
NV-810: nsqcmems tibemsadmin v10+ will not accept paramters in quotes
NV-648: CMs need to pass version in more than just Register message
NV-648: CMs need to pass version in more than just Register message
Hot Fix 13
NV-528: RC 4008 MQRCCF_OBJECT_NAME_ERROR during MQSC snapshots collection
NV-591: Channel Viewlet with Attribute Filter of Channel Type ‘is not equal’ has incorrect results
NV-630: APPLID DATA Field picking up "NULL" values for the field instead of the actual value
NV-639: For Solace dashboard creation, rename label from Queue Manager
NV-650: The dashboard sharing feature with templates for Kafka is not working as expected.
NV-683: Navigator viewlets disappearing
NV-685: Unexpected results when performing actions against sorted messages
Navigator X Security Manager
WSM-71: Issue expanding multiple nodes under Roles
Workgroup Server
NV-557: Publish facts about discovery
NV-615: byte less 0/Issues reading MQCFIN MQCFLN
NV-617: Discovery/Status discovery changes
NV-631: Publishing connection string parameters for CMs
NV-653: Permission check on EXCMD_MQNODE_NAMES is wrong
NV-655: WGS remove check for user license quantities
NV-428 Unable to create server connection channel from RESTAPI with empty array tags
NV-646: ACE/IIBM Connection Manger changes for Connection String
CM for EMS
NV-615: byte less 0/Issues reading MQCFIN MQCFLN
NV-616: nsqcmems internal queue size should be configurable
NV-634: EMS Connection Manger changes for Connection String
CM for Kafka
NV-636: Kafka Connection Manger changes for Connection String
NV-660: Kafka CM MDS read must not send qmgr unavailable event
NV-686: Kafka CM separate discovery and status read executions
CM for Solace
NV-635: Solace Connection Manger changes for Connection String
Hot Fix 12
NV-536: Navigator object comparison doesn't show key detail: qmgr defined on
NV-586: Navigator statistics shows 'no data' for single days but then does provide information when using multiple days for same period
NV-594: A bug that affected the None selection in the Cipher specification list on the SSL tab in channel properties has been fixed; now, selecting None sets the Cipher specification to empty. Also, when setting up an attribute filter for SSL Cipher Specification, now any Value from the list can be used. (Previously, some values were not working.)
NV-598: Possible WGS connection leak investigation
Workgroup Server
NV-256: handleNotOkResponse filling up logs
NV-486: Copy and move of Kafka messages between topics and partitions fails for Non-Admin users
NV-488: DB logging in CachFlush should print out elapsed time in dropOldRecords and saveNewRecords
NV-495: Event table is full of subscription delete events
NV-556: Saving KafkaRmtInfo and SolaceRmtInfo throw errors when using DB2
NV-602: When loading cache, print out sizes of memory consumed
NV-609: Added hostname to Qmgr fact if not empty
NV-420: Specify Regex for Node and Queue Manager Parameters for Rest API Monitoring Endpoints
NV-466: Issue with IBM_MQ Subscription creation
NV-469: Create EMS Durable without Selector
CM for EMS
NV-367: EMS Broker status showing as "unknown"
NV-559: Remote EMS server showing MQSC command errors
CM for Solace
NV-524: Report Solace error code as independent attribute
NV-461: Solace msgvpn access-control authBasicType/authrzType inconsistency
Hot Fix 11
Workgroup Server
NV-318: Remote Connection Info database improvements
NV-320: The response sent by WGS, in the case where saveDB action times out should be changed
NV-385: WGS option to use fact list from AP subscribed filters instead of DB
NV-386: Solace ACL_PROFILE Subscribe Exception CREATE requests failing
NV-455: EMS Broker (Server) should be updated at object status refresh interval
NV-456: Any CM object updated during status update need to reflect that as last updated time
See WGS REST API Release Notes for more detailed information about changes.
NV-322: WGS Rest API gives response "object not created / Problem on creating object" while creating Solace message VPN
NV-340: Create sever connection channel fails, when we include exit related parameters
NV-379: Parameters isGlobal & isSenderNameEnforced are not correctly passed while creating EMS Topic through Rest API
CM for EMS
NV-414: CM for EMS does not support IsSendernameEnforced for Topics
Hot Fix 10
NV-128: sorting objects in viewlet not resetting with 'default table sorting'
NV-208: Not getting Messages while importing the Exported Text file
NV-209: Expanding user settings colors causes errors
Workgroup Server
NV-257: Change how we log discovery started/stopped per qmgr
NV-258: object status refresh for MQ subscriptions sends wrong parameter
NV-270: Maximum Browse Limit changes are not saved
NV-280: If discovery starts and doesn't finish, WGS never tries to run discovery on node again
NV-309: DailyTask runs immediately
NV-310: AgentNode.theKey can be corrupted and accessing it throws NPE
See WGS REST API Release Notes for more detailed information about changes.
NV-213: BUG - IBM MQ Authority Record return HTTP 201 for success and failures
NV-232: If there are no auth records for an object, rest response does not include authRecs[] in response.
NV-305: WGS Rest API not accessible when ssl is enabled.
NV-308: Inconsistency - Object Already exists not following the same convention
NV-317: WGS RestAPI all PCF responses 2085 will return as 404 response
WSM-48: Not getting timeout for Navxwsm
CM for Solace
NV-274: Solace errors should return complete SEMP Response
NV-281: Solace objects are not shown immediately after creating using WGS Rest API.
CM for Kafka
NV-190: Timeout issues while browsing kafka msgs
CM for EMS
NV-288: EMS Queue current depth is not cached by server when browsing messages
Hot Fix 9
NV-145: Not showing up Queue and Channel attributes in EMS Display Schema Settings.
Workgroup Server
NV-133: WGS RestAPI improvement to send IMB MQ object operation by qmgr only on first active node
NV-181: InquireChl and InquireChlNames should return XmitQ details
CM for Kafka
NV-56: nsqcmkafka messsage handling needs to be o
NV-169: nsqcmkafka: NullPointer on kafka messages browse
NV-188: nsqcmkafka needs to support browse count MMS_UNLIMITED (-1)
Hot Fix 8
NV-43: Log-in causes multiple authorization calls to wgs
NV-85: Queue status window does not display queue depth for zOS qmgr via remote connection
Workgroup Server
NV-48: MQ channel status being misreported
NV-77: Cant delete IBM MQ Channel Client Connection
NV-79: Use sessions so GUI doesn't have to login multiple timesUpon Log-in multiple authorization calls to wgs
NV-87: Connection String information is not returned completely if it is more than 48 characters
NV-97: Optimize Event SQL when they are unlimited
NV-138 Workgroup should not write records if it didn't load all records successfully
CM for EMS
NV-113: Improvements to discovery and message management
Hot Fix 7
0028677: [Feature] Navigator and ability to control specific instance of a channel
0028935: [Bug] Sort order arrows don't appear after collapse/expand viewlet
0028948: [Bug] After changing Workgroup Server, Manager option becomes empty
0028949: [Bug] After creating Ace Server or Integration Node viewlet, Object name becomes empty
0028960: [Queues] force refresh limit as 100
0028966: [Bug] There is no stop instance option
0029024: [Bug] "MQ statistics" option is missing from the favorites viewlet
0029062: [Bug] Back port of IIB/ACE changes for not active instances
Navigator X Security Manager
0028893: [General] navXwsm role permissions edit confirmation windows
0028936: [General] navXwsm ‘management audit’ date filter generates oracle error
0028942: [General] navXwsm management audit export significantly limited.
Workgroup Server
0029103: [Bug] deleted cluster queues are not deleted from WGS cache
CM for Ace
0029055: [General] back port of IIB/ACE changes for not active instances in CM
CM for Solace
0029023: Solace CM optimization (long run queries via thread pool + on discovery minimized SEMP calls)
Hot Fix 6
Nastel Navigator
0028691: [Messages] Navigator DLQ auto-applied message format schema enhancement
Workgroup Server
0028679: [Bug] Auto cluster sender shows incorrect cluster name
0028863: [Bug] Get Queue type cluster q returns not found for all queries
0028878: [Bug] 10.5.0.x RestAPI with SSL not working on SU34.x
CM for Kafka
0028797: [Feature] Commands are processed as higher priority
Hot Fix 5
Nastel Navigator
0025602: [Feature] Schema's unification with attribute filters and criteria
0028304: [Connection] EMS Connection viewlet's Command "Destroy" giving error.
0028361: [Bug] unable to do copy as for objcts like queues, channels, etc, on zOS
0028439: [General] Provide the ability to control the ownership and permissions for schemas and attribute filters
0028486: [Bug] First time login fails to load shared dashboards
0028516: [Messages] When putting message from file, extra CR added at end of message
Workgroup Server Expert
0028414: Commands with many thousands of responses timeout on high latency networks
0028300: Provide prompt option for nsqjdbcmk password for encryption
Hot Fix 4
Nastel Navigator
0028361: [Bug] unable to do copy as for objcts like queues, channels, etc, on zOS
0028636: [BREAKAGE] Getting error after selecting properties of channel authority records
0025602: [Feature] Schema's unification with attribute filters and criteria
0028486: [Bug] First time login fails to load shared dashboards
0027751: [General] object selection may not trigger menu as expected
0027776: [General] Not able to see API Role name with More Characters
Workgroup Server
0028345: [Bug] Navigator requires permission to MQCMD_INQUIRE_Q_MGR to show channel status
Connection Manager for EMS
0027896: [General] Navigator Console not able to connect to EMS Broker
Hot Fix 3
Nastel Navigator
0028071: [Bug] Trying to update channel where custom property is unchanged throws an error
Hot Fix 2
Nastel Navigator
0027837: [Bug] Collapsed viewlets loading data
0027906: [Bridge] Bridge Selector field should allow 'Special Characters'
0027922: [General] MQ CHLAUTH properties results in a different CHLAUTH being selected
Workgroup Server
0027612: [Bug] Attribute filter is not working for some attributes
0027891: [Connection Manager] Connection managers losses WGS connection
0027852: [General] IIB/ACE in navigator is not connecting to server when login with ip and getting an error as connection failure.
0028010: [General] NSQCMACE Issue : ClassNotFoundException : javax.xml.bind.DatatypeConverter
CM for ACE/IIB, EMS, Kafka, Solace
0027846: [General] Ensure all CMs repeat their register message when not connected to a WGS
Hot Fix 1
0027202: [Queues] Streaming Queues for zos 9.3 and higher
0027209: [Viewlet] Initial Sorting of column may not sort as expected
0027671: [Dashboards] Unable to see/select dashboard templates when the list is so long
0027723: [Manager] Command event not showing interpreted value for nodisplay option
0027746: [Bug] Navigator statistics fails to draw value "1"
Workgroup Server
0027040: [General] Scheduler tag searches returns no results.
0027712: [Bug] Some SQL error messages are not being logged
0027754: [Bug] Additional security checks when moving/copying messages
0027800: [Bug] Listener and Service status showing ^0 in Enterprise Manager facts