Subject: XRay 1.6.13 Package release notes.
Date: May-2024
- JKOOL_SERVICE-1.6.13.pkg
- jkool-dbapi-solr-1.6.13.tar.gz
- jkool-rest-service-1.6.13.tar.gz
- xray-ui-1.6.13.tar.gz
This package contains the following products and their versions:
- AutoPilotM6: Service Update Level 34. Read the release notes.
- xray ui: v1.6.13
- jkool-dbapi: v1.6.13
The versions listed above are the minimum prerequisite versions for the jKool and XRay components.
This package can be used for a new installation or to update an existing installation. AutoPilot Service Update 34 is required.
Installation Overview
See the XRay Upgrade Guide v1.5 to v1.6.
DSJ-73 In customer dashboards to report Activities, following Activity name appears <auto-generated>
DSJ-74 Activity's Severity should inherit Event Severity "ERROR"
TRK-181 STARTTLS is not saved for email provider.
TRK-202 XRay UI don't show the Time Zone and Locale in the query result.
TRK-198 Action Email is giving exception.
TRK-167 Dashboard schema change does not propagate to console viewlets
DSJ-70 Getting NullPointerException when streaming resource names with type of TOPIC
TRK-151 Unable to Import data in the UI.
TRK-154 Unable to login using Ping SSO.
TRK-156 Okta login throws exception saying invalid user or password.
TRK-159 Ping SSO Breaks other providers
TRK-174 Okta sso is not working in XRay.
TRK-111 Auto Suggest button in the ML Model field of the admin menu does not work.
TRK-123 Getting exception when logging in to the UI with a new user.
TRK-135 Unable to import data to the UI.
TRK-144 "Global Repository" is shown in the main page dropdown even though it is empty.
TRK-145 Getting error while clicking on Repositories>Teams>Settings
DSJ-68 Restoring the functionality of rolling up of fields from child to parent (i.e., from Event to Activity)
TRK-122 Issues in Repositories list & in Admin window
TRK-130 Summary 1.6+ formatting & allowed query bugs
TRK-131 Scalar/Numeric functions on fields are not detected by UI which causes field aliases to stop working
TRK-128 Small usability changes for Organization page in Admin Settings window
DSJ-46 Bucketing by sizes that are multiples of 5 does not always return expected bucket ranges
DSJ-54 Queries using both "for latest" and group by on property not working
DSJ-55 Bucketing by month and year is not working with ExpireTime
DSJ-56 Date/Time string filters on ExpireTime are not working
DSJ-50 Running query with both latest N expr and aggregates is not honoring latest N
TRK-82 Don't allow use of disabled features in admin window
TRK-97 Patch jqGrid filtering to not crash & work with current usages
TRK-88 Investigate & fix tables (jqGrid) column filtering
TRK-80 Unable to filter viewlet name in Configure viewlet.
TRK-85 Unable to filter viewlet name in Configure viewlet.
TRK-91 Unable to filters the names in Admin settings
TRK-92 Unable to filter the names in Admin settings
DSJ-45 Logins no longer work after a failed login
TRK-47 Getting console error while the data is imported.
TRK-51 Test if CSP fixes crash anything in UI 1.6
DSJ-20 Subscribe query is giving an exception