Subject: meshIQ Platform Track 11.1.2 Package release notes.
Date: 11-June-2024
Required files:
- AP11.1_SU02.pkg.
- AP_AIM-11.1.2.pkg
- DATA_SERVICE-11.1.2.pkg
- JOB_SCHEDULER-11.1.2.pkg
- ds-db-utils-11.1.2.tar.gz
- ds-api-11.1.2.tar.gz
- track-11.1.2.tar.gz
Installation overview
If you have not done so already, you must update your version of meshIQ Platform Core Services to 11.1.2 (AP11.1 SU02).
Instructions on upgrading to meshIQ Platform Track 11.1.2 from version 11.1.1 are described below.
Upgrade procedure
- Stop the Web, CEP, and Domain services.
- Go to
and run the command:unlink current
- Run the following:
tar -zxvf ds-db-utils-11.1.2.tar.gz
ln -s ds-db-utils-11.1.2 current
- Navigate to
. - Place all the files mentioned above (under Required files) in the updates folder.
- Go to
and run the following commands:
./pkgman ../updates/ AP11.1_SU02.pkg
./pkgman ../updates/ AP_AIM-11.1.2.pkg
./pkgman ../updates/ JOB_SCHEDULER-11.1.2.pkg
./pkgman ../updates/ DATA_SERVICE-11.1.2.pkg
- After running each command from the above go to
folder and run the commands:
./ domain
./ domain
- When the first package AP11.1_SU02.pkg is updated and the domain is started, it won’t start on the first attempt. You need to start it twice for the first package.
- Go back to
and run the following:
tar -zxvf ds-api-11.1.2.tar.gz
tar -zxvf track-11.1.2.tar.gz
- Move both ds-api.war and track.war files to
. - Start the Domain, CEP, and Web services one after the other.
- Because this is an upgrade, you need to update the database and create Kafka topics.
- Stop the Web, CEP, and Domain services.
- Start the Domain, CEP, and Web services.
- Log in to the Track UI.
TRK-221 Cannot display Topology from Activity Details Viewlets
TRK-222 Cannot display Related Events from Activity Details Viewlets
TRK-232 Submit button in change password page never gets enabled
TRK-195 Unable to change data points and data groups in default viewlet settings table.
TRK-201 Getting error in the console when an unsaved dashboard is closed with or without saving.
TRK-204 Special characters can be seen when a jkqls script is imported or created.
TRK-207 Finish button is disabled while creating Alerts.
TRK-209 In configure viewlet save button is disabled.
TRK-210 Special characters appear for the sets criteria in the sets console
TRK-211 Getting exception while executing sets query.
TRK-212 Jkql scripts are not working and refresh button is not enabled.
TRK-223 "Active Session" queries do not work
DSJ-78 External Data Source configs sometimes fail to load on startup
DSJ-70 Getting NullPointerException when streaming resource names with type of TOPIC
DSJ-76 Restore default active activity expiration to 1 hour
DSJ-73 In customer dashboards to report Activities, following Activity name appears <auto-generated>
DSJ-74 Activity's Severity should inherit Event Severity "ERROR"
TRK-181 STARTTLS is not saved for email provider.
TRK-2 Merge JKL-3720 - "Add custom query support to Alerts"
TRK-3 Merge JKL-3624 - Rework global/default viewlet settings migration out of organization definition
TRK-10 Merge JKL-3579 26285 - Need screens to manage ML Model Definition and training
TRK-83 Show configuration warning in importer map step.
TRK-104 Check & merge branches where (unit) tests are written
TRK-106 Update merged tests to work with code changes/updated structures
TRK-117 Implement jqGrid alternative for all jqGrid based viewlets
TRK-150 Investigate & fix CSV importer support for very big files
TRK-152 Investigate & fix XLS importer support for very big files
TRK-153 Investigate & fix Log importer support for very big files
TRK-61 11.1 - Make code more strict, rewrite components in Typescript & other strictness/performance improvements
TRK-98 Replace Guriddo jqGrid with an alternative table library
TRK-149 Update frontend importers to handle very big files
TRK-162 Update packages/libraries now that slightly more recent browser versions are supported
TRK-103 Problems with Tree viewlet checkboxes & expanding/drilldown
TRK-107 Getting only single non-global repository in Rest service via Access Token
TRK-122 Issues in Repositories list & in Admin window
TRK-127 Error in viewlet form when using 'having' query
TRK-130 Summary 1.6+ formatting & allowed query bugs
TRK-131 Scalar/Numeric functions on fields are not detected by UI which causes field aliases to stop working
TRK-139 Unable to train a model from the ML Model console
TRK-148 UI cannot import large number of records
TRK-196 Embedded viewlet does not display the data
TRK-197 Unable to assign repository to a new user.
TRK-198 Action Email is giving exception.
TRK-49 / TRK-23 / 29196 Add dropdown that would allow users easily to add date Filter to URL
TRK-102 Having filter option in the edit viewlet console is throwing an exception in the browser console.
TRK-167 Dashboard schema change does not propagate to console viewlets
TRK-168 Punctuation is not supported in variable names
TRK-11 Experiment - Convert one big component/library to load on demand
TRK-12 Performance improvement - Load bigger libraries on-demand
TRK-13 Smaller performance improvement - Load our own components (wizards) on-demand
TRK-15 Improvements for on-demand component load logic
TRK-45 Implement user teams assign/unassign page
TRK-76 11.1 - Improve Landing/Demo page load speed & reduce bundle sizes
TRK-114 Support Access Token Description
TRK-128 Small usability changes for Organization page in Admin Settings window
TRK-155 Reorganize html templates and their fragments across whole project
TRK-157 Edits to v11 jKQL User Guide
TRK-158 Investigate and bump minimum supported browser versions
DSJ-71 Grant/Revoke does not work for repositories
DSJ-21 Handle ANTRL error in Storm topologies
DSJ-61 Statement parser errors.
DSJ-1 Publish Solr cluster metrics
DSJ-2 Upgrade Infinispan to version 14
DSJ-4 Reduce Solr document index sizes
DSJ-5 Create default viewlet settings init script for 11.1 version
DSJ-6 Replace use of SimpleDateFormat with FastDateFormat
DSJ-11 Record cache sizes in NRD file
DSJ-13 Support filter on Invoke statement
DSJ-14 Support jKQL filters like "Updated After"
DSJ-16 Allow Purge statement to take a date filter
DSJ-30 Use dictionary instead of .json file for mlmodel defaults,
DSJ-34 Field validation for custom timeseries fields.
DSJ-35 Upgrade ActiveMQ to 5.18.3
DSJ-43 Tokens Stored in Solr should be encrypted
DSJ-49 Allow using Grant statement to assign ownership to Administrator (SYSTEM)