Subject: Manage 11.1.1
Date: 17-April-2024
Required files
- WGS_11.1.1.10 .pkg -- Workgroup Server Expert
- webapps\manage.war -- Manage (Navigator) war files (
- webapps\manage-server.war -- Manage (Navigator) war files (
- webapps\secure.war -- Secure (Navxwsm) war files (
- webapps\secure-server.war -- Secure (Navxwsm) war files (
- nsqcmace.jar -- IIB/ACE Connection Manager (
- nsqcmems.jar -- Tibco EMS Connection Manager (
- nsqcmkafka.jar -- Kafka Connection Manager (
- nsqcmmq.jar -- MQ Java Connection Manager/Agent (
- nsqcmsolace.jar -- Solace Connection Manager (
- nsqcmrabbitmq.jar -- RabbitMQ Connection Manager (
- WGSRP-11.0.0.pkg -- Workgroup Server Resource Pack
- AP_IBMMQ-11.0.1.pkg -- MQ plugin for WorkGroup Server
- AP_IBMMQRP-11.0.1.pkg -- MQ plugin for WorkGroup Server Resource Pack
Including but unchanged since 10.1.x
- -- IIB/ACE CM sample properties file
- -- Tibco EMS CM sample properties file
- -- Kafka CM sample properties file
- -- MQ Java CM sample properties file
- -- Solace CM sample properties file
- -- RabbitMQ CM sample properties file
This package can be used for a new installation or to update an existing installation.
Please see the WGS Expert installation guide for specific steps to proceed.
Installation overview
- Stop all Nastel processes (including CEP and Domain Server).
- Back up the %APWMQ_HOME% directory and existing database tables.
- Place in the installation directory (%APWMQ_HOME%).
- Unzip the file.
- Extract contents 'here', under %APWMQ_HOME% replacing existing content.
- Run pkgman to install the latest WGS_10 package
a. If a new install, install additional packages such as resource packs, scheduler, experts - Run nsqjdbcmk to upgrade your database tables
- Copy the war files from the webapps folder to the Tomcat webapps folder.
- Restart Nastel processes
- Finalize any setup for WGS operation including configuration of WGS, REST API and scheduler
Manage HTML WebGUI
NV-29: provide ability to browse\get RabbitMQ messages
NV-51: IBM channels missing MCA user ID, and MCA Name should be always disabled.
NV-84: Metadata object for Manage DB migration
NV-86: Rabbit Mq Status
NV-95: Add tab button & workspace tab are displaced when dragging tabs to change their
NV-98: Extend Matching pattern for Custom properties in attribute filters
NV-114: Upon Log-in multiple authorization calls to wgs
NV-128: Sorting objects in viewlet not resetting with 'default table sorting'
NV-137: Navigator DLQ auto-applied message format schema global setting
NV-139: Support of egressFlowWindowSize parameter in Solace
NV-140: Unable to update the message using Edit message option.
NV-174: Some entries in request history don't have origin information
NV-193: Getting Manager name twice in Manager, Channel, Topic attribute in EMS display schema settings.
NV-208: Not getting Messages while importing the Exported Text file
NV-219: Manage and Secure GUI Modernization
NV-221: Add new Message GUI updates (Kafka, MQ, RabbitMQ/Solace/others)
NV-228: Kafka Message improvements
NV-230: Kafka Management Improvements
NV-247: RabbitMQ Add/Edit Properties Windows for objects
NV-268: Ability to export Kafka ACLs to a file
NV-272: Adjust window size for Add new Message GUI
NV-313: Support for Liberty
NV-323: Custom attributes won't be saved or retrieved on specific objects
NV-325: Creation where path objects have regex values in the deepest levels will fail
NV-369: Checkbox selection stays when changing viewlet type
NV-416: Memory leak while browsing messages
NV-444: Kafka topic browse messages returns 100 entries as constant, ignores settings
NV-447: Colors chosen in settings not applied to viewlets
NV-479: Clear all messages feature doesn't work for Kafka
NV-483: Attribute filter for channels is not working as expected
NV-521: Time for Local time in Kafka messages when timezone has +-:30 will be shown incorrectly
NV-532: Kafka Partition drop down not working in put message window of Topic
NV-533: force refresh icon not changing when enabled
NV-534: delete a single RabbitMQ msg deletes multiple
NV-543: Save to Storage option missing for EMS Queues in console
NV-551: After WGS start agent manager are not connected
NV-560: Kafka message header export/import issue (MMF file only)
Secure HTML WebGUI
NV-219: Manage and Secure GUI Modernization
Workgroup Server Expert
NV-98: Extend Matching pattern for Custom properties
NV-114: Upon Log-in multiple authorization calls to wgs
NV-256: handleNotOkResponse filling up logs
NV-257: Change how we log discovery started/stopped per qmgr
NV-258: object status refresh for MQ subscriptions sends wrong parameter
NV-270: Maximum Browse Limit changes are not saved
NV-280: If discovery starts and doesn't finish, WGS never tries to run discovery on node again
NV-318: Remote Connection Info database improvements
NV-385: WGS option to use fact list from AP subscribed filters instead of DB
NV-455: EMS Broker (Server) should be updated at object status refresh interval
NV-456: Any CM object updated during status update need to reflect that as last updated time
NV-486: Copy and move of Kafka messages between topics and partitions fails for Non-Admin users
NV-495: Event table is full of subscription delete events
NV-556: Saving KafkaRmtInfo and SolaceRmtInfo throw errors when using DB2
ACE/IIB Administration
NV-371: Support for IBM ACE and higher
EMS Administration
NV-414: CM for EMS does not support IsSendernameEnforced for Topics
NV-559: Remote EMS server showing MQSC command errors
Kafka Administration
NV-205: Kafka CM add header support
NV-228: Kafka Message improvements
NV-230: Kafka Management Improvements
Solace Administration
NV-524: Report Solace error code as independent attribute
For more information, visit