The meshIQ Platform requires a version 11 license. Contact your meshIQ sales representative for details.
These instructions pertain to upgrading to meshIQ Platform Track 11.0.3 from XRay 1.6. For instructions on upgrading from meshIQ Platform Track 11.0.2, see meshIQ Platform Track release notes: v11.0.3.
The meshIQ platform core services are leveraged by all modules in the meshIQ platform for run time services. You must install the core services before installing any related modules.
Step 1: Upgrade Core Services
- Stop all meshIQ services and applications.
- Copy the package into [AUTOPILOT_HOME]/updates
- Using the GUI or from the command prompt, install the latest package
[AUTOPILOT_HOME]/bin/pkgman ../updates/AP11_SU03.pkg
where <ver> AutoPilot version, # service update number.
If running using the GUI package manager, exit it before continuing.
You must start one of the core services (Domain Server, CEP or Enterprise Manager) to finalize installation BEFORE installing any other packages or running package manager again.
The first time you restart after updating, the system updates jar files. But to load the jar files correctly requires more than one restart. The easiest way to restart initially is to just run the help option, which will update all jars, display help and then exit.
For the domain server:
For the CEP server:
Rebuild Package Management Tables
If you are upgrading to the meshIQ platform from AutoPilot M6, run the following from the command line version of package manager (not available from Windows Product Maintenance or GUI).
[AUTOPILOT_HOME]/bin/pkgman -rebuild
Next Steps
At this point, using the same procedure as above, install the updated versions of Application Implementation (AIM) and Scheduler (if previously installed).
[AUTOPILOT_HOME]/bin/pkgman ../updates/AP_AIM-11.0.3.pkg
[AUTOPILOT_HOME]/bin/pkgman ../updates/JOB_SCHEDULER-11.0.1.pkg
Step 2: Upgrade Track
Do the following:
- Download the following packages from the download center:
- data_services/DATA_SERVICE-11.0.3.pkg
- data_services/ds-dbapi-solr-11.0.3.tar.gz
- data_services/ds-api-11.0.3.tar.gz
- track/track-ui-11.0.3.tar.gz
- Stop Web, CEP, and Domain services.
- Place and untar ds-dbapi-solr-11.0.3-tar.gz into the /opt/nastel/misc/jkool-dbapi directory.
- Unlink current.
- Update the link ‘current’ to latest db-api solr package using the command:
ln -s jkool-dbapi-solr-11.x.x current
- Go to [AUTOPILOT_HOME]/bin directory and enter the following:
./pkgman ../updates/DATA_SERVICE-11.0.3.pkg
Start and stop the Domain service for each package install to update the libraries properly.
- Untar track-ui-11.0.3.tar.gz and ds-api-11.0.3.tar.gz in the [AUTOPILOT_HOME]/updates directory and move it to the [AUTOPILOT_HOME]/apache-tomcat/webapps directory.
- Delete the folders jkool-service and xray, along with their war files.
- Delete the cache from the Apache-tomcat temp directory: [AUTOPILOT_HOME]/apache-tomcat/temp.
- Determine the value of the zkHost property used by Solr. The format of this property is:
You can find it in one of the following places:
- If you have access to Solr web console:
- Go to the Dashboard tab for any of the nodes in the cluster, and under the "Args" section, check the value of -zkHost.
OR - Go to the Cloud/ZKStatus tab and check for the "ZK connection string" value.
- Go to the Dashboard tab for any of the nodes in the cluster, and under the "Args" section, check the value of -zkHost.
- In, see if the value for jkool.db.url is NOT a http[s] url. If it is not, then it is the ZooKeeper information that Track is using to connect to Solr.
- Go to the installation of Solr on one of the nodes in the cluster, open the file
and find the value for environment variable ZK_HOST.
- If you have access to Solr web console:
- Upgrade the database. The database upgrade must be run on a node that contains a Solr installation (even if Solr is not actually running on that node). The ZooKeeper host, port, and root must match the values from the zkHost property from step 10. To upgrade, go to
and run the following, providing the Solr credentials:
./ -pwd <jkql-admin-pwd> [-solr <solr-home>] [-sh <solr-host>] [-sp <solr-port>] [-zh <zookeeper-host>] [-zp <zookeeper-port>] [-zr <zookeeper-root>] [-suser <solr-user> -spwd <solr-pwd>]
The following example assumes that Solr is running on the local node and is using ZooKeeper that is also on the local node, and uses the default meshIQ platform configuration: ./ -pwd admin -solr /opt/meshiq/xray/solr/current -sh localhost -sp 8983 -zh localhost -zp 2181 -zr /xraysolr
- Recreate Kafka topics by going to /opt/nastel/AutoPilotM6/jkool/scripts and running ./
The recreate topics script requires a local Kafka installation, even if the broker is remote. If there is no local Kafka installation, then copy the script to any location on the server that is running the broker.
- Start the Domain, CEP and Web servers again.
- Log into meshIQ Track using http://<localhost>:8080/track and check the current version of the UI to make sure that it has been updated properly.