The meshIQ Platform requires a version 11 license. Contact your meshIQ sales representative for details.
These instructions pertain to upgrading to meshIQ Platform Track 11.0.3 from meshIQ Platform Track 11.0.2. For instructions on upgrading from XRay 1.6, see Upgrading from XRay 1.6 to meshIQ Track v11.
If you have not done so already, you must update your version of AutoPilot to meshIQ Platform Core Services 11.0.3 (AP11 SU 03). Then follow the instructions below. For new installation, please see the corresponding documentation.
From the /data_services directory:
- DATA_SERVICE-11.0.3.pkg
- ds-api-11.0.3.tar.gz
- ds-dbapi-solr-11.0.3.tar.gz
From the /track directory:
- track-ui-11.0.3.tar.gz
To apply the latest fix pack, do the following:
- Download the following packages from the download center:
- data_services/DATA_SERVICE-11.0.3.pkg
- data_services/ds-dbapi-solr-11.0.3.tar.gz
- data_services/ds-api-11.0.3.tar.gz
- track/track-ui-11.0.3.tar.gz
- Stop Web, CEP, and Domain services.
- Place and untar ds-dbapi-solr-11.0.3-tar.gz into the /opt/nastel/misc/jkool-dbapi directory.
- Unlink current.
- Update the link ‘current’ to latest db-api solr package using the command:
ln -s jkool-dbapi-solr-11.x.x current
- Go to [AUTOPILOT_HOME]/bin directory and enter the following:
./pkgman ../updates/DATA_SERVICE-11.0.3.pkg
Note: Start and stop the Domain service for each package install to update the libraries properly.
- Untar track-ui-11.0.3.tar.gz and ds-api-11.0.3.tar.gz in the [AUTOPILOT_HOME]/updates directory and move it to the [AUTOPILOT_HOME]/apache-tomcat/webapps directory.
- Delete the folders jkool-service and xray, along with their war files.
- Delete the cache from the Apache-tomcat temp directory: [AUTOPILOT_HOME]/apache-tomcat/temp.
- Start the Domain, CEP and Web servers again.
- Log into meshIQ Track using http://<localhost>:8080/track and check the current version of the UI to make sure that it has been updated properly.
TRK-82 Don't allow to use disabled features in admin window
TRK-97 Patch jqGrid filtering to not crash & work with current usages
TRK-58 Organization password policy window rework
TRK-81 Fix found bugs and make improvements for 11.0
TRK-88 Investigate & fix tables (jqGrid) column filtering
TRK-120 Unable to create users and teams while using internal authentication.
TRK-128 Small usability changes for Organization page in Admin Settings window
TRK-47 Getting console error while the data is imported.
TRK-78 Unable to close edit viewlet in tear-off view.
TRK-79 Two summary viewlets for activities are found.
TRK-80 Unable to filter viewlet name in Configure viewlet.
TRK-85 Unable to filter viewlet name in Configure viewlet.
TRK-91 Unable to filters the names in Admin settings
TRK-92 Unable to filter the names in Admin settings
TRK-125 meshIQ 11 Testing - Track - Sensor Tree views do not expand
DSJ-45 Logins no longer work after a failed login
DSJ-46 Bucketing by sizes that are multiples of 5 does not always return expected bucket ranges
DSJ-48 jKQL Scripts are not working with new V11 installation
DSJ-54 Queries using both "for latest" and group by on property not working
DSJ-55 Bucketing by month and year is not working with ExpireTime
DSJ-56 Date/Time string filters on ExpireTime are not working
DSJ-60 Unable to expand sensor tree.
DSJ-50 Running query with both latest N expr and aggregates is not honoring latest N
DSJ-17 make zscore configurable
DSJ-23 Machine Learning - update install scripts so they can be re-run after failures.
DSJ-37 Machine Learning - Additional properties need to be added to model
DSJ-39 Machine Learning - detect that regular anomaly detection should be used instead of a model
TRK-31 Test 11.0 build on minimum supported browser versions
TRK-34 Implement user & team create pages for cloud installations
TRK-41 Pair review team/user creation/editing implementation & finish implementing minor related features
TRK-60 Test if CSP fixes crash anything in UI 11.0
TRK-6 0029136: Create button in Create viewlet form is not working.
TRK-7 0029137: License button in the about tab is disabled.
TRK-8 0029138: In Configure Schema Add all button is not working.
TRK-9 0029139: Initial viewlets are not generated.
TRK-16 Frontend jkql fields cache does not get any non-custom fields
TRK-17 0029175: Getting error while opening the edit viewlet for anomaly chart.
TRK-18 0029176: Getting error while opening the edit viewlet for stack chart.
TRK-19 0029177: Getting error while opening the edit viewlet for pie chart.
TRK-20 0029178: Getting error while opening the edit viewlet for scorecard.
TRK-21 0029185: Getting error while opening the edit viewlet for Line chart.
TRK-22 0029195: Getting error while opening the edit viewlet for Column and Bar chart.
TRK-30 0029173: Unable to save the model in the UI.
TRK-38 Can't pass track.samlsso.manager.config parameter via CATALINA_OPTS
TRK-43 ML Model removed properties disappear.
TRK-46 Fix initial page load crashes & data load issues in older supported browsers
TRK-50 Getting error while opening the edit viewlet for all the charts.
TRK-57 Viewlet filter is not saving
DSJ-12 When delete Solr collection, delete configuration set from Zookeeper
DSJ-26 Machine Learning - data_start and data_end need to be used in install
DSJ-32 Allow DBAPI utility scripts to be used with (remote) Domain Server without editing
DSJ-7 DSX does not load all ext datasource configurations
DSJ-8 For ML-Kafka solution while running the command ./ got an exception.
DSJ-10 Record DB Upgrade execution
DSJ-15 NumberOf alias not applied correctly
DSJ-18 Organization admin user cannot drop a Team in the organization
DSJ-19 Dropped team is not removed from organization ACLs
DSJ-20 Subscribe query is giving an exception
DSJ-24 Lines should be uncommented in file
DSJ-25 file is creating wrong format for pivot and anomaly scripts schedule
DSJ-27 Few lines are missing in ML configuration part in the document.
DSJ-29 MLModel save query fails.