Subject: Hot Fix Navigator
Date: 29-Jan-2024
- webapps\navigator.war -- Navigator war files (
- webapps\navigator-server.war -- Navigator war files (
- webapps\navxwsm -- Navigator X Security Manager (
- WGS_10.5.0.25.pkg -- Workgroup Server Expert (
- nsqcmace.jar -- CM for ACE/IIB (
- nsqcmems.jar -- CM for EMS (
- nsqcmkafka.jar -- CM for Kafka (
- nsqcmsolace.jar -- CM for Solace (
This package is a Hot Fix that can only be applied to Nav_Server_10.5.0 environments.
If you have an earlier e-fix version, you must first install 10.5.0 before applying this Hot Fix.
Installation Overview
- Stop all Navigator processes.
- Place in the installation directory (%APWMQ_HOME%).
- Unzip the file.
- Extract contents 'here', under %APWMQ_HOME% replacing existing content.
- Run pkgman to install the latest WGS_10 package (if changed).
- Copy the war files from the webapps folder to the Tomcat webapps folder.
- Restart Navigator processes.
Hot Fix 10
NV-128: sorting objects in viewlet not resetting with 'default table sorting'
NV-208: Not getting Messages while importing the Exported Text file
NV-209: Expanding user settings colors causes errors
Workgroup Server
NV-257: Change how we log discovery started/stopped per qmgr
NV-258: object status refresh for MQ subscriptions sends wrong parameter
NV-270: Maximum Browse Limit changes are not saved
NV-280: If discovery starts and doesn't finish, WGS never tries to run discovery on node again
NV-309: DailyTask runs immediately
NV-310: AgentNode.theKey can be corrupted and accessing it throws NPE
NV-213: BUG - IBM MQ Authority Record return HTTP 201 for success and failures
NV-232: If there are no auth records for an object, rest response does not include authRecs[] in response.
NV-305: WGS Rest API not accessible when ssl is enabled.
NV-308: Inconsistency - Object Already exists not following the same convention
NV-317: WGS RestAPI all PCF responses 2085 will return as 404 response
WSM-48: Not getting timeout for Navxwsm
CM for Solace
NV-274: Solace errors should return complete SEMP Response
NV-281: Solace objects are not shown immediately after creating using WGS Rest API.
CM for Kafka
NV-190: Timeout issues while browsing kafka msgs
CM for EMS
NV-288: EMS Queue current depth is not cached by server when browsing messages
Hot Fix 9
NV-145: Not showing up Queue and Channel attributes in EMS Display Schema Settings.
Workgroup Server
NV-133: WGS RestAPI improvement to send IMB MQ object operation by qmgr only on first active node
NV-181: InquireChl and InquireChlNames should return XmitQ details
CM for Kafka
NV-56: nsqcmkafka messsage handling needs to be o
NV-169: nsqcmkafka: NullPointer on kafka messages browse
NV-188: nsqcmkafka needs to support browse count MMS_UNLIMITED (-1)
Hot Fix 8
NV-43: Log-in causes multiple authorization calls to wgs
NV-85: Queue status window does not display queue depth for zOS qmgr via remote connection
Workgroup Server
NV-48: MQ channel status being misreported
NV-77: Cant delete IBM MQ Channel Client Connection
NV-79: Use sessions so GUI doesn't have to login multiple timesUpon Log-in multiple authorization calls to wgs
NV-87: Connection String information is not returned completely if it is more than 48 characters
NV-97: Optimize Event SQL when they are unlimited
NV-138 Workgroup should not write records if it didn't load all records successfully
CM for EMS
NV-113: Improvements to discovery and message management
Hot Fix 7
0028677: [Feature] Navigator and ability to control specific instance of a channel
0028935: [Bug] Sort order arrows don't appear after collapse/expand viewlet
0028948: [Bug] After changing Workgroup Server, Manager option becomes empty
0028949: [Bug] After creating Ace Server or Integration Node viewlet, Object name becomes empty
0028960: [Queues] force refresh limit as 100
0028966: [Bug] There is no stop instance option
0029024: [Bug] "MQ statistics" option is missing from the favorites viewlet
0029062: [Bug] Back port of IIB/ACE changes for not active instances
Navigator X Security Manager
0028893: [General] navXwsm role permissions edit confirmation windows
0028936: [General] navXwsm ‘management audit’ date filter generates oracle error
0028942: [General] navXwsm management audit export significantly limited.
Workgroup Server
0029103: [Bug] deleted cluster queues are not deleted from WGS cache
CM for Ace
0029055: [General] back port of IIB/ACE changes for not active instances in CM
CM for Solace
0029023: Solace CM optimization (long run queries via thread pool + on discovery minimized SEMP calls)
Hot Fix 6
Nastel Navigator
0028691: [Messages] Navigator DLQ auto-applied message format schema enhancement
Workgroup Server
0028679: [Bug] Auto cluster sender shows incorrect cluster name
0028863: [Bug] Get Queue type cluster q returns not found for all queries
0028878: [Bug] 10.5.0.x RestAPI with SSL not working on SU34.x
CM for Kafka
0028797: [Feature] Commands are processed as higher priority
Hot Fix 5
Nastel Navigator
0025602: [Feature] Schema's unification with attribute filters and criteria
0028304: [Connection] EMS Connection viewlet's Command "Destroy" giving error.
0028361: [Bug] unable to do copy as for objcts like queues, channels, etc, on zOS
0028439: [General] Provide the ability to control the ownership and permissions for schemas and attribute filters
0028486: [Bug] First time login fails to load shared dashboards
0028516: [Messages] When putting message from file, extra CR added at end of message
Workgroup Server Expert
0028414: Commands with many thousands of responses timeout on high latency networks
0028300: Provide prompt option for nsqjdbcmk password for encryption
Hot Fix 4
Nastel Navigator
0028361: [Bug] unable to do copy as for objcts like queues, channels, etc, on zOS
0028636: [BREAKAGE] Getting error after selecting properties of channel authority records
0025602: [Feature] Schema's unification with attribute filters and criteria
0028486: [Bug] First time login fails to load shared dashboards
0027751: [General] object selection may not trigger menu as expected
0027776: [General] Not able to see API Role name with More Characters
Workgroup Server
0028345: [Bug] Navigator requires permission to MQCMD_INQUIRE_Q_MGR to show channel status
Connection Manager for EMS
0027896: [General] Navigator Console not able to connect to EMS Broker
Hot Fix 3
Nastel Navigator
0028071: [Bug] Trying to update channel where custom property is unchanged throws an error
Hot Fix 2
Nastel Navigator
0027837: [Bug] Collapsed viewlets loading data
0027906: [Bridge] Bridge Selector field should allow 'Special Characters'
0027922: [General] MQ CHLAUTH properties results in a different CHLAUTH being selected
Workgroup Server
0027612: [Bug] Attribute filter is not working for some attributes
0027891: [Connection Manager] Connection managers losses WGS connection
0027852: [General] IIB/ACE in navigator is not connecting to server when login with ip and getting an error as connection failure.
0028010: [General] NSQCMACE Issue : ClassNotFoundException : javax.xml.bind.DatatypeConverter
CM for ACE/IIB, EMS, Kafka, Solace
0027846: [General] Ensure all CMs repeat their register message when not connected to a WGS
Hot Fix 1
0027202: [Queues] Streaming Queues for zos 9.3 and higher
0027209: [Viewlet] Initial Sorting of column may not sort as expected
0027671: [Dashboards] Unable to see/select dashboard templates when the list is so long
0027723: [Manager] Command event not showing interpreted value for nodisplay option
0027746: [Bug] Navigator statistics fails to draw value "1"
Workgroup Server
0027040: [General] Scheduler tag searches returns no results.
0027712: [Bug] Some SQL error messages are not being logged
0027754: [Bug] Additional security checks when moving/copying messages
0027800: [Bug] Listener and Service status showing ^0 in Enterprise Manager facts