For individual product releases that are not contained in deployment packs, see Navigator Release Notes and XRay Release Notes.
Package: NavigatorX_XRay1.6.6_Nav10.5.0.6_DPack_v1.0.tar.Z
The following information is included in the release notes:
This package can be used for a new installation or to update an existing installation. This package contains the following product versions:
Navigator (release notes)
XRay 1.6.6 (release notes)
AutoPilotM6: Service Update (SU) Level 34.2 (release notes)
Details are listed below.
XRay UI: v1.6
STREAMS: tnt4j-streams-1.8.1
NAVIGATOR: v10.5.0.6
NAVIGATOR UI: v10.5.0.25
NAVXWSM UI: v10.5.0.6
REST API: v10.5.0.0
APWMQ AGENT: V10.5.0.5 - (6.7.8)
WMQ_CM: V10.5.0.5 - (6.7.0008)
EMS_CM: V10.5.0.9
KAFKA_CM: V10.5.0.9
ACE_CM: V10.5.0.7
SOLACE_CM: V10.5.0.7
SCRIPTS: V7.0.11
Third Party Components:
JAVA: Openjdk V11.0.18_10
TOMCAT: v9.0.50
KAFKA: v2.13-3.4.0
SOLR: v8.11.1
STORM: v2.4.0
ACTIVEMQ: v5.17.4
MQCLIENT: V8.0.0.9
DATABASE: PostgreSQL v10.11-3
Linux System:
- Operating System: Linux 64 bit OS
- CPU: Minimum 8 virtual CPUs
- Memory: Minimum 32GB RAM
- File System: Minimum 100 GB free space, SSD preferred
- Recommended Install folder: /opt/nastel
- Required: Dedicated Server Instance
Follow the steps below to get started with NavigatorX setup.
NOTE: Some steps below require root access.
Create the Linux user ID (UID) and group which will be used to start all Nastel services.
The Recommended user and group are nastel:nastel, this can be changed to any preferred user product owner.
The UID and group must own all files and directories under $APIN_HOME -
It is highly recommended to turn Swap off within the operating system on all virtual machine servers running Nastel XRay.
To disable swap, perform the following:-
Identify configured swap devices and files with the following command:
cat /proc/swaps
Turn off all swap devices and files with the following command:
/swapoff -a
- Comment out any swap matching references found in /etc/fstab.
Identify configured swap devices and files with the following command:
Modify /etc/security/limits.conf and add below for your user:
Replace nastel with the user that will start XRay processes.nastel soft nofile 65536
nastel hard nofile 65536
nastel soft nproc 65536
nastel hard nproc 65536 -
Ensure 'curl' is installed, curl is required to run sbin/ script
Ensure 'python' version >= 2.7 is installed, If planning to run STORM or Machine Learning.
Ensure native 'PostgreSQL' is not running, Installation using its own PostgreSQL database implementation.
As of version 1.3, XRay requires Structured Query database server to run job scheduler.
This XRay Deployment pack is pre-configured to use the PostgreSQL database as default and requires it to run XRay. - NETWORK PORTS:
The following list contains all processes network ports that are involved in XRay deployment.
DOMAIN SERVER (ATPNAMES): ............. 2323, 3000 (TCP)
CEP SERVER (ATPNODE): .............. 3005 (TCP)
STREAMING: ...................... 6585 OR HTTPS(443) (TCP)
WEB SERVER (apache-tomcat): ........... 443, 8080 (TCP)
ZOOKEEPER: ............................ 2181 (TCP)
ACTIVEMQ SERVER: ...................... 61616 (TCP)
ACTIVEMQ WEB CONSOLE: ................. 8161 (TCP)
KAFKA SERVER: ......................... 9092 (TCP)
SOLR: ................................. 8983 (TCP)
POSTGRESQL (postgres): ................ 5432 (TCP)
The machine on which the install will be done respects all prerequisites for installation described above.
For more information and to get started, please refer to the URL link:
Setup steps
These steps assume local installation for all related components.
NOTE: You only need first 3 steps below to get everything configured and up and running.
Untar/unzip the NavigatorX_XRayx.x.x_Navxx.x.x.x_DPack_vx.x.tar.Z package to the installation path of your choice ...
This package contains the directory "nastel" as a root directory.
SHELL COMMAND:tar -zxvf NavigatorX_XRayx.x.x_Navxx.x.x.x_DPack_vx.x.tar.Z
Change to $APIN_HOME/sbin/ folder and modify file "installed_services.conf"
yes for enabled and no for disabled
syntax: Service_Name=yes (with no spaces) - TO START THE NAVIGATOR SERVICES, AND FOR INITIAL SETUP:
Run below command from APIN_HOME/sbin/ directory and follow the onscreen instructions.
Press enter key to set the install path automatically.
Note: The first time the ./ all
command is run, you are prompted to specify the untared/unzipped directory location, after which you will need to re-run the command ./ all
YOU HAVE COMPLETED THE INSTALLATION. Please check $APIN_HOME/logs for any errors.
Optional configurations
To run startup scripts from anywhere, it is recommended that you set APIN_HOME and PATH to sbin directory in the user profile.
Copy and paste these two lines toward the end of the user profile file.
export APIN_HOME=/opt/nastel
export PATH=$PATH:$APIN_HOME/sbin
Change /opt/nastel to the path of root directory of the installation.
To set the working path manually, edit APIN_HOME/sbin/
Change ExistingPath in the following line to reflect the new path:
export APIN_HOME=ExistingPath
Access the user interfaces
To access the Navigator UI from a web browser, use the following address:
Use the following default login credentials:
User Name: Admin (case sensitive)
Password: admin (case sensitive)
To access the XRay UI from a web browser, use the following address:
Use the following default login credentials:
User Name: Admin (case sensitive)
Password: password that was set during the deployment
Streaming data to XRay
IMPORTANT: In order to stream data to Nastel XRay, a token id is needed.
DEFAULT STREAM URL: http://<serverip>:6580
For more information
If you are new to NavigatorX, to get started it is recommended that you check out this web page: