The meshIQ Platform version 11 uses a single license model to cover all aspects of the meshIQ Platform. More information about this license can be found in the About the meshIQ Platform license article.
You will be contacted by meshIQ well in advance of your license expiration date to allow us to begin preparing your new license and answer any questions you may have.
You can set up automatic email alerts to remind you when your license is reaching its expiration date. To learn how, see Creating a policy for your Workgroup Server Expert 10.x license.
Step 1: Obtain your license
Back up your expiring license file.
Download your new meshIQ license file using the instructions provided in the My license is expiring, how do I get a new one? article.
You can open your license file to view the parameters, but do not update it as this will invalidate the license.
Step 2: Install your license
- Stop all services.
- Install your new meshIQ*.lic license or licenses into the domain and WGS in the same locations that you used when upgrading to version 11.
- For the domain server: The license is located in the naming directory:
- For the workgroup server: Refer to the license path in the License File property on the General tab of WGS properties.
- For the domain server: The license is located in the naming directory:
- (Data Services only.) Make sure that Data Services, and if applicable, meshIQ Track, are stopped. Then follow the instructions below:
a. Start ZooKeeper (if used) and Solr.
b. Run the following commands. The first command changes the directory and the second command loads the license. Be sure to change <path_to_lic-file> (include path and file name), <solr-url> and <pwd> accordingly. The user name is Administrator.
>cd $APIN_HOME/misc/jkool-dbapi/current
>bin/ -loadlic -f:<path_to_lic-file> –C:<solr-url> -U:Administrator -P:<pwd>
>cd $APIN_HOME/misc/jkool-dbapi/current
>bin/ -loadlic -f:$APIN_HOME/misc/license/meshiq_org_Prod_MQM.lic> -C:http://localhost:8983 -U:Administrator -P:admin
- Restart all services.
See Verifying that your meshIQ Platform license is installed correctly to learn how to verify the new license.