Subject: XRay 1.4.0 Deployment Pack release notes.
Date: 2-June-2022
File: XRay_1.
- AutoPilotM6: For XRay 1.4.0, an SU version of at least 32.2, but less than 33, is required. Read the release notes for more information.
- XRay UI: v1.4.19.3
- XRay SCRIPTS: v7.0.7
- JKOOL-DBAPI: v1.4.19.3
- STREAMS: tnt4j-streams-1.8.1. See GitHub for more information.
JKOOL_SERVICE and JKOOL_DBAPI versions must always match.
This package contains the following products and their versions:
- JAVA: jre1.8.0_261
- TOMCAT: v9.0.54
- ZOOKEEPER: v3.4.13
- KAFKA: v2.12-2.2.2
- SOLR: v6.6.6
- STORM: v1.1.3
- ACTIVEMQ: v5.14.5
- DATABASE: PostgreSQL v10.11-3
This package can be used for a new installation or to update an existing installation. AutoPilot Service Update 32.2 is required.
Installation Overview
To upgrade from one major release to another (for example, from 1.4 to 1.5), use the upgrade guides provided in the XRay Documentation Library.
To update from one deployment pack to another within a major release (for example, 1.4.x to 1.4.x or 1.5.x to 1.5.x), follow the instructions below.
- Place all the upgrade files from the upgrade package into nastel/misc/updates.
- Go to the nastel/sbin directory.
- Run the ./ update script.
- Follow the instructions on the screen.