Date: October 2024
Package: (AP60_SU34.8.pkg) ServiceUpdate 34.8 ( for AutoPilot M6
This memo contains the following information:
- About
NOTE: This version supports Java 11, 14 and 17 only. Existing installations must be updated
to run with a JRE of at least Java 11.
- Existing versions of other meshIQ components will run with Java 11 but not require it. New versions will require Java 11 see the respective installation prerequisites.
Please take a backup of the AUTOPILOT folders before applying any maintenance in order to expedite restoring to a previous version if required. Service updates may not uninstall properly due to changes to the core components.
Service updates (SUnn) are non-cumulative service packs, and usually require the previous level of a service pack to be installed. Service update patches (SUnn.x) are replacements for other updates for the same service update (nn).
Service updates usually include bug fixes, and minor enhancements.
- AutoPilot M6 6.0
- ServiceUpdate 6.0.33.x (Service updates are not cumulative for major versions)
General Information
The update provides enhancements relevant for both server and administration installations. It is recommended that you install this package on all AutoPilot M6 6.0 installations.
This package supersedes SU34 and and any lower SU34.x and can applied over the top of them or directly on SU33.
1. Stop all AutoPilot services and applications.
2. Copy the package into [AUTOPILOT_HOME]/updates
3. From command prompt:
[AUTOPILOT_HOME]/bin/pkgman ../updates/AP<ver>_SU<#>.pkg
where <ver> AutoPilot version, # service update number.
If running using the GUI package manager, exit it before continuing.
Note: You must start one of the Autopilot services (Domain Server, CEP or Enterprise Manager) to finalize installation BEFORE installing any other packages or running package manager again.
Release Notes
About SU34.x
Updated to Java 11 as minimum supported version
Updates to all pre-requisite jars to recent versions
Grid enablement updates
Known Problems and Changes
SU34.6 introduces a bug that prevents LDAP users from logging into Enterprise Manager and running some utilities like APNET. Su34.7 addresses this issue.
Many JDBC jar files have been updated with this package. These changes in some cases have new vendor requirements, such as MSSQL which defaults for SSL connectivity. Please verify that the following JDBC URL connection string is added: ";encrypt=true;trustServerCertificate=true." This must be included under WGS properties; server.xml, and For example:
MySQL JDBC jars are no longer distributed (see download instructions in this article).
Customers using AP historical graphs in Enterprise Manager should switch to using Nastel XRay. If still using EM, due to changes, date specification needs to be done manually as explained in this article.
This update removes business view export except for xml format.
Since most customers no longer run the m6console.war, this update does not copy the update into apache-tomcat, but still places a copy in naming/j2ee-web. If it is required, it can be copied manually.
- The domain health policy (AutoPilot_Health.bsv) was updated to remove sensors related to the web console operation.
This package obsoletes all "WGS REST" packages. You do not need to uninstall it, and after installation of SU34, you will not be able to remove previous installations. Do not install a "WGS REST" package over the the top of this packager or your installation will be corrupted.
New properties = true/false (default:false). If an error occurs, the remaining LDAP servers if any are used rather than failing
server.domain.ldap.auth.cache.time = seconds (default:0). If the same LDAP security request is received within this time limit, the last successful cached result is returned. This can greatly improve REST API calls when basic authentication is used. Value should be small, such as 30 seconds to allow for LDAP changes to take affect quickly.
Change History
Autopilot M6 - 6.0 su 34.8
CFA-148 [Code Roll-in] To autopilot setup.ini must be added old jars remove
CFA-137 Policy File not loading properly, while saving corrupts it
Autopilot M6 - 6.0 su 34.7
CFA-132 Unable to log into Enterprise Manager with LDAP Id
Autopilot M6 - 6.0 su 34.6
see Known Problems for Enterprise Manager above
CFA-100 logging performance improvements. See Recommendations for handling increased throughput in high-volume systems.
CFA-59 Policies under Policy Managers are showing as stopped
CFA-96 registry.xml is corrupted after repeated saves, array type property on read appends null values
CFA-99 Syslog expert is not reading the facility details correctly.
CFA-109 After SU34.6 Asynchronous changes, seeing NPE when i run the domain from console using ATPNAMES.
CFA-93 On grid when changing CEP service data, they will not to changed on domain and after CEP restart that data are lost
CFA-105 Autopilot sensors ignore periods works incorrectly
CFA-107 Webhook randomly blocks other notification activities
CFA-6 StringIndexOutOfBoundsException when regex is missing closing >
CFA-7 policy which has not active facts should not generate ERROR
Autopilot M6 - 6.0 su 34.5.3
CFA-83 Sensor is not triggered, even when condition occurred.
Autopilot M6 - 6.0 su 34.5.2
CFA-76 addressed issue with variables not being substituted as expected
Autopilot M6 - 6.0 su 34.5.1
CFA-73 Got error when trying to Load LDAP server user/user group
CFA-71 Getting Invalid keystore password error when starting new Domain Server Rest API in SU34.5 in a DEV environment
AutoPilot M6 - 6.0 su 34.5
CFA-32 Autopilot integration using webhook method. For details, see Webhook method to forward alerts.
CFA-44 apnet command times out when retrieving WGS metrics with Wildcards
CFA-46 Improve fact sensor statistics
CFA-47 GRID failover issues #2. Sometimes, wgs expert greyed out and not showing any facts when the standby CEP instance takes over even though WGS is running and it's producing data and policies are also working fine. And sometimes CEP itself does not show connected in EM even though it continues to run.
CFA-49 Service must read subscribed facts list
CFA-52 Backport AP RestAPI from 11.X version to 6.0.34.X
CFA-53 LDAP and Kerberos not uses "" property and always creates sockets without SSL
CFA-62 Password with first or second symbol '=' is not encrypted
AutoPilot M6 - 6.0 su 34.4
CFA-14: You can now enter hexadecimal color values in to change severity colors.
CFA-15: The console.graph.font.size property can be changed to modify text size in the following areas:
- Deployment Tool: tree
- Business View: tree and graphs
- Business Process: graphs
- Sensor Selector: tree
CFA-33: To improve performance, sensors now take thread from pool by manager/policy name instead of just manager name.
CFA-39: Package fixed to address issues deploying News Feed, OS monitors, probes, Samples and Wrappers experts.
CFA-41: A GRID failover issue, in which the WGS expert showed as greyed out and was not showing any facts although the WGS was running, has been addressed. The standby/failover CEP instance was timing out on the domain side, being removed from the cluster and set to inactive mode. Therefore the CEP was not rejoining the domain with the correct state when the connection between the CEP and Domain was lost and then restored.
AutoPilot M6 - 6.0 su34.3
Changing owner in properties window for policy is not working correctly
Storage creep in AutoPilot Servers over time and possible out of memory
AutoPilot M6 - 6.0 su34.2
0028662: [Domain Server] Provide option to allow for bypassing and LDAP server that fails during group processing
0028829: [Domain Server] hint option for login to use a specific LDAP instance only
0028185: [Domain Server] Cache option for LDAP users and Groups
AutoPilot M6 - 6.0 su34.1
0028593: [Utilities] After applying SU34, sensors that are edited disappear from policies saved as .bsv
0028580: [Admin Console] issues with services state while exercising CEPs failover in AP grid having maintenance mode ON/OFF
AutoPilot M6 - 6.0 su34
0017862: [CEP Server] Primary voting logic updates for Grid failover
0027641: [Installation] Event viewer standalone does not start
0022404: [apnet] Call apnet with an encrypted password
0026530: [CEP Server] Feature requirement to put grid failover in maintenance mode for a given GRID
0027943: [CEP Server] Services may have node suffix added during Grid failover
0027859: [Utilities] Apache Common Text remote execution vulnerabilities update
0026020: [Admin Console] All the buttons present on User Manager window should be visible all the time
0027395: [Policies] merging facts with regular expressions containing back slash fails to match
0024578: [Admin Console] Changing time or duration under Ignore tab causes error in Java 11