Subject: Navigator Server 10.5.0
Date: 14-Oct-2022
Note: In versions prior to 10.4.2, navigator-server.war contained database JDBC drivers. This has been corrected and they are no longer included. Some customers may have relied on these drivers being present and did copy the required JDBC jar files into the application server lib folder. If after applying this update, you experience problems related to missing JDBC drivers, please copy the required drivers from either the provider website, the AutoPilotM6 lib or other reliable source.
- WGS_10.5.0.7.pkg -- Workgroup Server 10 Expert
- webapps\navigator.war -- Navigator war files (
- webapps\navigator-server.war -- Navigator war files (
- webapps\navxwsm.war -- Navigator X Security Manager (
- webapps\apodwsm.war -- apodwsm Security Manager (10.2.5)
- nsqcmems.jar -- Tibco EMS Agent
- nsqcmkafka.jar -- Kafka Agent
- nsqcmace.jar -- IIB/ACE Agent
- nsqcmsolace.jar -- Solace Agent
- WGS_REST_10.5.0.pkg -- Workgroup Server 10 REST Prereq Pack
Including but unchanged since 10.4.x
- WGSRP-10.3.0.pkg -- Workgroup Server 10 Resource Pack
- -- Solace Connection Manager properties
Including but unchanged since 10.3.x
- AP_IBMMQ-10.3.0.pkg -- MQ plugin for WorkGroup Server 10
- AP_IBMMQRP-10.3.0.pkg -- MQ plugin for WorkGroup Server 10 Resource Pack
Including but unchanged since 10.2.x
- -- IIB/ACE properties
Including but unchanged since 10.1.x
- -- Kafka Connection Manager properties
- -- EMS Connection Manager properties
Packaged separately from the Navigator Server in beta folder
- nsqcmmq.jar -- Java Agent / Connection Manager (see folder for latest version)
- -- Java Connection Manager properties
- nsqcmmq.agent.samp -- Java Agent sample properties
- logback.xml -- Java Agent / Connection Manager logging properties
This package can be used for a new installation or to update an existing installation.
Please see the WGS Expert installation guide for specific steps to proceed.
This version ships the Navx security manager web application (navxwsm). The package also includes the original web security manager (apodwsm). Both are compatible with 10.5 and either (or both) can be used. Navigator 10.5 will be the last release to support compatibility with apodwsm.
Installation Overview
- Stop all Navigator processes (including CEP and Domain Server).
- Back up the %APWMQ_HOME% directory and existing database tables.
- Place in the installation directory (%APWMQ_HOME%).
- Unzip the file.
- Extract contents 'here', under %APWMQ_HOME%, replacing existing content.
- Run pkgman to install the latest WGS_10 package.
a} if a new install, install additional packages such as resource packs, scheduler, experts. - Run nsqjdbcmk to upgrade your database tables.
- Copy the war files from the webapps folder to the Tomcat webapps folder.
- Restart Navigator processes.
- Finalize any setup for WGS operation, including configuration of WGS, REST API and scheduler.
When upgrading from a version prior to 10.1.x, you will need to review the connection definitions. See the Installation Guide or this FAQ ( for details. In Summary, 10.1.x and higher move the management of Workgroup server connections from a user task to an administrator task. However, since existing definitions may have various attributes, a first step after upgrading is for an administrator to review the generated ones (names start GEN_), rename them and clean up any that are not required.
If upgrading to Scheduler 1.11 to a later version and you want to preserve currently scheduled jobs, a manual SQL statement must be run. Please contact your Support Representative for help with this step.
Navigator HTML WebGUI
25250: [Feature] EMS Header should be available at put message window
25967: [Feature] For EMS Durables, Browse Durable, View Messages Options are not available on Navigator
26423: [Feature] Shared Dashboards and reporting/controlling their use and ownership (Showing Permissions on Dashboard Ownership)
26523: [General] Add support of Navigator options recorded and available for analysis (Statistics Report)
26652: [Feature] Add support for JNDI Connection Factories
26676: [Connectivity Related] Pass attributes filters to WGS for processing
26899: [Feature] Navigator mq qmgrs viewlet and Commands / 'view error log' improvements
26919: [Feature] MQCMD_INQUIRE_Q_MGR now returns last Connection error
26947: [Feature] Ability to limit number of items selectable at a given time for objects and managers
26965: [Manager] Queue Manager actions need list of queue managers and count
26976: [Bug] 'Warning' Attribute is not getting in MQSC snapshot
26984: [Bug] Object viewlet schemas, Show object attributes page and attribute filters do not allow for CUSTOM parameter
26990: [Queues] MQSC Snapshot doesn't include CUSTOM field attribute for Alias, Remote and Model Queues
27098: [Feature] Request History and exporting its information
27105: [Feature] Solace Attributes In Viewlet Mapped Accordingly
27180: [Manager] Manager Viewlet Schema and inclusion of agent version
27265: [Bug] Delete CHLAUTH object an error RC (3228)
27304: [Documentation] help topics that matches MQSC command keywords to text on properties
27381: [Queues] Queue status schema consistent with queue viewlet schemas
27431: [Channel] Attribute filters for channel viewlet when using type ALL
27470: [Messages] Add ability to select IBM EBCIDIC browsing for current session
27564: [Manager] run MQSC script needs more emphasis when more than 1 manager
27626: [Channel] Show active connections in channel schemas
various internal bug fixes
Workgroup Server Expert
26674: [Feature] Add support for Text in response to EXCMD_MQ_OPEN and Qmgr Events
26677: [General] Pass attributes to WGS for processing
26737: [Bug] Error filling up in wgs.log4j with reporting CacheSync.CacheFlush.saveNewRecords failed
27140: [Feature] Pass filter attributes for Custom Properties to WGS for processing
27302: [Feature] Rest API for creation/deletion of Kafka Confluent role binding
27422: [Feature] Remove regex checks when we know it's not a regex value
27438: [Bug] Channels show user names in channel name field
27450: [General] Support Instance based pricing model
26861: [Feature] Missing Kafka REST API Feature
27203: [Bug] Got 204 response code when deleting Kafka ACL.
27301: [Feature] Rest API for creation/deletion of Kafka Confluent role binding
ACE/IIB Administration
0027420: [General] Sample ACE properties file name should be commented out by default
0027421: [General] CM for ACE should not accept empty value for name
EMS Administration
27379: [General] For EMS Durables, Browse Durable, View Messages Options are not available on Navigator
27453: [General] Support EMS headers in WGS
Kafka Administration
0027303: [General] Rest API for creation/deletion of Kafka Confluent role binding (RBAC)
Solace Administration
26655: [General] Add support for SEMP commands from console
27152: [General] Create Solace Client Certificate Authority OCSP Trusted Common Name does not work
27153: [General] Not able to change Request Target Evaluation value for RDP Queue Bindings from None
to Substitution Expressions
27419: [General] Validate name in properties file is not blank
Apodwsm Security Manager 10.2.5
27570: [General] WSM Audit includes delete role audits for roles not changed
26389: [General] Security Manager Import Data may cause corruption, loss of dashboards and viewlets