Unable to start a Business process <policy_name>.bsp policy. All the links within the policy are greyed out. (See figure 1 below.)
You may experience this issue if you're installing CEP for the first time, if you're deploying a second instance of CEP, or if the line in your ATPNODE.lax file was edited after installation.
- Back up the file [AP_HOME]/localhost/ATPNODE.lax.
- Use the Vi text editor to open ATPNODE.lax for editing.
- Find this line:
- Add the following to the end of the line:
If the line includes existing settings, insert the new text after them. For example, if yours includes -server, then specify: -Djava.awt.headless=true
- Save the file.
- Restart the CEP Server (ATPNODE process). See the AutoPilot M6 Installation Guide for details.
- Check the business process to verify whether the business process flow has started. It should look like figure 2 below.