Some of the content described in this article is available in meshIQ Manage versions 11.1.1 and later. See meshIQ platform Highlights v11.1 for an overview of feature changes.
The Force Refresh option is currently only available for queue viewlets of 100 rows or fewer.
When you know you'll need to force a refresh of viewlet data several times in a row (for example, if a problem with the queues requires you to view the latest Current Depth right away), you can turn on Force Refresh mode. This mode allows you to force update the data in the entire viewlet, just as you would do for one queue or a few queues, but using a simpler, more efficient method.
In this temporary alternate mode, the regular refresh icon becomes a blue force refresh icon. This blue force refresh icon obtains the latest data from the workgroup server, unlike the regular refresh icon, which refreshes the data from the cache.
To force a refresh of viewlet data:
- Select Enable Force Refresh from the viewlet's menu to turn on Force Refresh mode.
The viewlet’s data begins to be refreshed. Additionally, the viewlet’s Refresh icon changes to a blue Force Refresh icon . - You can now click the Force Refresh icon up to five more times to request more forced refreshes. But after these additional refreshes (or after a browser refresh), the blue Force Refresh icon reverts to the regular Refresh icon, and the viewlet is no longer in Force Refresh mode. To return to Force Refresh mode, you must select Enable Force Refresh from the viewlet's menu again.
Disable Force Refresh Mode
While the viewlet is in Force Refresh mode, the Enable Force Refresh menu item is relabeled to Disable Force Refresh. You can select this menu item at any time to exit Force Refresh mode.