Subject: Navigator Server 10.3.0
Date: 30-Nov-2021
- webapps -- Navigator war files (
- WGS_10.3.0.9.pkg -- Workgroup Server 10 Expert
- nsqcmems.jar -- TIBCO EMS Agent
- nsqcmkafka.jar -- Kafka Agent
- nsqcmace.jar -- IIB/ACE Agent
- WGSRP-10.3.0.pkg -- Workgroup Server 10 Resource Pack
- AP_IBMMQ-10.3.0.pkg -- MQ plugin for WorkGroup Server 10
- AP_IBMMQRP-10.3.0.pkg -- MQ plugin for WorkGroup Server 10 Resource Pack
Including but unchanged since 10.2.x
- -- IIB/ACE properties
Including but unchanged since 10.1.x
- -- Kafka Agent properties
- -- EMS Agent properties
- WGS_REST_10.1.3.1.pkg -- Workgroup Server 10 REST Prereq Pack *see note
This package can be used for a new installation or to update an existing installation.
Please see the WGS Expert installation guide for specific steps to proceed.
Installation Overview
- Stop all Navigator processes (including CEP and Domain Server).
- Back up the %APWMQ_HOME% directory and existing database tables.
- Place in the installation directory (%APWMQ_HOME%).
- Unzip the file.
- Extract contents 'here', under %APWMQ_HOME% replacing existing content.
- Run pkgman to install the latest WGS_10 package
a) If a new install, install additional packages such as resource packs, scheduler, experts
- Run nsqjdbcmk to upgrade your database tables
- Copy the war files from the webapps folder to the Tomcat webapps folder.
- Restart Navigator processes
- Finalize any setup for WGS operation including configuration of WGS, REST API and scheduler
Important Upgrade Notes
When upgrading from a version prior to 10.1.x, you will need to review the connection definitions. See the Installation Guide or this FAQ ( for details.
In Summary, 10.1.x and higher move the management of Workgroup server connections from a user task to an administrator task. However, since existing definitions may have various attributes, a first step after upgrading is for an administrator to review the generated ones (names start GEN_), rename them and clean up any that are not required.
If upgrading to Scheduler 1.11 to 1.12 and you want to preserve currently scheduled jobs, a manual SQL statement must be run. Please contact your Support Representative for help with this step.
WGS_REST_10.1.3.1.pkg is an updated package for WGS REST API dependencies that supports java 8, 11
and higher. Existing customers running java 8 can continue to use WGS_REST_10.1.3.0.
Navigator HTML WebGUI
24156: [Messages] Enhance GUI to show MQ message MD Put Date/Time
24274: [Feature] Show TIBCO EMS manager name and broker url in the EDIT viewlet Manager window
24596: [Feature] EMS Producer/Consumer Stat available as a viewlet
24789: [Feature] Export and Import of Dashboards, viewlets & schemas from one environment to another
24802: [Feature] Allow User Group edit for shared dashboards
24914: [Viewlet] Viewlet Attribute filters at user in addition to shared filters
24922: [Dashboards] Optimize the dashboard experience
24970: [Topic] Provide MQ topic and subscription status
25136: [Feature] MQ error log to include IBM's ffstsummary output
25235: [Viewlet] Make viewlet result limit a user setting
25311: [General] Message Criteria from Global Settings is not available from under other user
25345: [Viewlet] Add support for export to csv to console viewlet
25367: [General] Manager Name field is seen twice while creating schema for subscriptions.
25371: [Manager] UI shows 0 / 1 instead of Disabled / Enabled for some attributes.
25373: [Bug] Navigator renaming a queue that has messages reports errors and process rename command
25386: [General] Add an option add a descriptive label at the top of the Navigator screen
25479: [Connectivity Related] Single signon for Navigator GUI
25495: [Channel] Transmission queue missing from channel schema
25551: [Bug] Message Criteria for Put New of MQ messages
25576: [Feature] Msg Criteria and Attr Filter unification
25644: [Bridge] EMS Queue/Topic/Transport schema missing fields
25753: [Bug] Navigator event sorting is by time rather than date / time
25764: [Bug] Node and Manager fields should support up to 256 characters on edit viewlet
various internal bug fixes
Workgroup Server Expert
24784: [Feature] EMS Queue/Topic/Transport schema missing fields
24807: [Feature] Audit Logging does not appear to provide expected level of detail
25183: [Feature] Ensure WGS10 support all AuthRec pcf commands
25186: [Feature] Support MQ OAM records requests in REST API
25257: [Feature] Provide WGS health policy
25451: [Bug] Missing Qmgr attribute Certificate Label
25461: [Feature] Add Command Shell Execute command to WGS RestAPI
25464: [Feature] Add support for Streaming Queue option
25481: [Feature] Add project number / ait to the APODWSM database and audit report
25642: [Feature] Refresh count and status refresh count should be tracked per qmgr
EMS Administration
25001: [Connection Manager] EMS connection manager prints out errors when deleting a queue