This functionality is available in the meshIQ Platform version 11.0.3 and in AutoPilot SU 34.4.
You can adjust the severity colors that are used when displaying sensors. Any hexadecimal color value may be used.
You can update values in {mp_home}/mconsole/
The example below shows the default colors:
The properties shown below show the individual properties for each level of severity:
property sensor.severity.color.unknown=#efefef
property sensor.severity.color.emergency=#ff8b94
property sensor.severity.color.critical=#ffaaa5
property sensor.severity.color.failure=#ffd6f3
property sensor.severity.color.error=#ffd3b6
property sensor.severity.color.warning=#ffffba
property sensor.severity.color.success=#baffc9
property sensor.severity.color.debug=#D6EFED
property sensor.severity.color.notice=#e5fff7
Using the hexadecimal colors above example results in the following updated colors: