Subject: E-Fix 4 for AIX
Date: 1-Jun-2021
File: Nav_Components_10.2.0_AIX.tar.Z
Prerequisites: Navigator 6.6.x or 6.7.x for AIX
- Nav_Components_10.2.0_AIX.txt -- this readme
- bin -- M6-WMQ binary files
- lib -- M6-WMQ library files
- nsqrc.ini -- M6-WMQ reason codes
- nsqsev.ini.ito -- M6-WMQ Log Adapter resource file
- nsqsev.ini.tivoli -- M6-WMQ Log Adapter resource file
- Stop all Navigator processes.
- Back up the %APWMQ_HOME% directory
- Place Nav_Components_10.2.0_AIX.tar.Z in the installation directory (%APWMQ_HOME%).
- Uncompress the file Nav_Components_10.2.0_AIX.tar.Z
- Extract contents 'here', under %APWMQ_HOME% replacing existing content.
- Restart Navigator processes (nsqmgr is no longer supported).
0023102: [WMQ Agent] z/OS agent missing tracing of discovery reply messages
0023134: [WMQ Agent] Some topics do not appear in the z/OS agent discovery trace
0023328: [Workgroup Server] nsqmigr needs to support Kafka nodes
0023332: [Command Utilities] nsqmqsc utility sometimes displays "Unable to receive user authentication inquiry: Workgroup MQM, RC
0023506: [Administrator Guide] Explorer not displaying Shared Queue Open Type from QSG tab of z/OS qmgr properties in attributes panel
0023938: [Command Utilities] Provide original message position numbers in nsqmmfcl message display
0024020: [WMQ Agent] Provide support to browse MQ ini files
0024047: [WMQ Agent] Windows agent script mqmstart,bat to start a queue manager executes strmqenv twice
0024054: [Command Utilities] In nsqmmfcl utility DISPLAY command, display option BODYHEX, add space between bytes for readability
0024055: [Command Utilities] nsqmmfcl PUT command sometimes writes 0 bytes instead of the specified file
0024056: [Command Utilities] nsqmmfl utility PUT command displays generic 'Put failed' versus 'Queue full' when destination queue is full
0024085: [Command Utilities] nsqmqsc sending user password to WGS in clear text is a security problem
0024192: [Message Server] Message server prints no error message if an invalid queue manager is given
0024258: [Command Utilities] nsqmsgf puts only one XML message with -i3 option
0024340: [Command Utilities] provide a utility to encrypt passwords when creating the *.info file from scratch
0024437: [Connection Manager] Error message does not identify Reason when CM running with -N option for z/OS fails to open a ReplyTo queue,
0024450: [Message Server] Add support to search message properties (request must have EXIA_FORCE_RFH2==0 )
0024463: [WMQ Agent] CM (and agent) discovery occurs at 10 min intervals instead of the Discovery Period defined in the node properties
0024548: [Command Utilities] Inaccuracies/typos in the nsqmsgf usage display
0024637: [Command Utilities] Provide viewing .ini files in the agent client access utility nsqcl