Subject: Navigator Server 10.2.0
Date: 1-Jun-2021
About: This package can be used for a new installation or to update an existing installation. Please see the Navigator Workgroup Server Expert V10 Installation Guide for specific steps to proceed.
- webapps -- Navigator war files (
- WGS_10.2.0.11.pkg -- Workgroup Server 10 Expert
- nsqcmems.jar -- TIBCO EMS Agent
- nsqcmkafka.jar -- Kafka Agent
- nsqcmace.jar -- IIB/ACE Agent
- -- IIB/ACE properties
- WGS_REST_10.1.3.1.pkg -- Workgroup Server 10 REST Prereq Pack *see note
Including but unchanged since 10.1.x - -- Kafka Agent properties
- -- EMS Agent properties
- WGSRP-10.1.5.pkg -- Workgroup Server 10 Resource Pack
- AP_IBMMQ-10.1.5.pkg -- MQ plugin for WorkGroup Server 10
- AP_IBMMQRP-10.1.5.pkg -- MQ plugin for WorkGroup Server 10 Resource Pack
Installation Overview
- Stop all Navigator processes (including CEP and Domain Server).
- Back up the %APWMQ_HOME% directory and existing database tables.
- Place in the installation directory (%APWMQ_HOME%).
- Unzip the file.
- Extract contents 'here', under %APWMQ_HOME% replacing existing content.
- Run pkgman to install the latest WGS_10 package
- if a new install, install additional packages such as resource packs, scheduler, experts
- Run nsqjdbcmk to upgrade your database tables
- Copy the war files from the webapps folder to the Tomcat webapps folder.
- Restart Navigator processes
- Finalize any setup for WGS operation including configuration of WGS, REST API and scheduler
In Summary, 10.1.x and higher move the management of Workgroup server connections from a user task to an administrator task. However, since existing definitions may have various attributes, a first step after
upgrading is for an administrator to review the generated ones (names start GEN_), rename them and clean up any that are not required.
Navigator HTML WebGUI
0019758: [Feature] Ability to keep objects checked or highlighted until user decides to clear selection
0020603: [General] Message filters for move/copy/delete all actions for messages
0020846: [Feature] Add ability save/submit messages with some default options as RFHutil
0021103: [Bug] MQSC console does not properly display mq command output for zOS qmgr
0021773: [Queues] Unable to upload a message over 100mb to an EMS queue
0022260: [Feature] Banner in Navigator to inform users about planned and/or performed maintenance and update
0022541: [Manager] Provide Queue Manager Connection action
0022654: [Topic] topic name should be fully displayed in the topic properties
0023041: [General] viewlet to view and manage Kafka connectors
0023469: [Messages] The administrator should be able set a maximum number of queues and messages included in a find message request
0023596: [General] Viewlet Fast access options
0023741: [Messages] Add ability to search messages based on message properties (including rfh2 header fields)
0023756: [Nodes] Clean up discovery policy tab in EMS node properties
0023833: [Feature] Provide a way to override global settings for individual viewlets
0024075: [Manager] Provide function to compare 2 managers and report differences
0024106: [Feature] EMS Server Properties added in Navigator Properties view
0024107: [Scheduling] Ability to schedule MQSC and EMS scripts.
0024109: [Feature] Ability to apply & schedule scripts on multiple Queue Managers and Broker
0024110: [Feature] Navigator EMS Scripts Console not accepting all required characters
0024150: [Feature] Provide direct access to Web Security Manager from Navigator Web GUI
0024167: [Manager] Add IIB and ACE Instance as Managed Object
0024232: [Bridge] Add ability to show the EMS broker name as a column in the scheduled items table
0024242: [Manager] Provide zOS extended MQSC command options
0024270: [Topic] Add ability to purge all messages for all subscribers on the named topic
0024275: [Feature] Add ability to support TIBCO EMS state for primary and secondary instance
0024284: [Messages] Show current message filter on messages console view
0024320: [Bug] Add Communication information object
0024350: [Manager] Ability to apply & schedule scripts on multiple EMS Broker
0024405: [Bug] Wrong user name on job scheduler detail window
0024500: [Messages] Max loaded message count should be read-only for user settings
0024501: [Messages] Page count should reflect actual page with in result set
0024517: [Feature] Message Format is changing from String to Binary data for EMS messages on Navigator
0024593: [Feature] EMS Queue Stat available as a viewlet
0024595: [Feature] EMS Topic Stat available as a viewlet
0024597: [Feature] Trace property available on property of EMS queue and topic
0024626: [Routes] Route Stats should be displayed
0024631: [Manager] Provide Navigator GUI support to browse MQ ini files
0024763: [Settings] Getting "integrity constraint (NASTEL_PERMV3.FK_SETTING_DASHBOARD_ID) violated - parent key not found" error
0024824: [Feature] Remote Queue Manager Connections defaults to random order
0024831: [Viewlet] external resource viewlet exception in Navigator running with Oracle
0024852: [WorkGroupServer] Provide option to list all projects as a right
0024877: [Queues] queue description missing from ALL queue schemas
0024878: [Manager] EMS Manager default Schema should have EMS State
various internal bug fixes
Workgroup Server Expert
0022876: [Bug] EMS published fact improvements
0023317: [General] Audit event for Kakfa topics indicates queue
0024014: [General] Connection to remote qmgrs is lost after clicking OK in the change queue manger connection window
0024015: [General] connection to EMS manager and objects is lost after clicking OK in the 'change ems manager connection window'
0024074: [Feature] Provide function to compare 2 managers and report differences
0024099: [Feature] REST API for additional IBM MQ objects
0024287: [Security] Provide method to restrict specific commands via console interfaces
0024296: [Feature] Provide action to update ServiceNow ticket with the comments
0024336: [Feature] Add Support for MQ Communication Info
0024351: [General] nsqjdbcmk to support encrypted passwords
0024355: [General] Provide exit codes after running nsqjdbcmk tool.
0024421: [Feature] IIB objects on WGS implementation
0024441: [General] Add ability to purge all messages for all subscribers on the named topic
0024489: [General] Deleted listener object still appears in wmq explorer and database.
0024490: [Feature] IIB objects commands RestAPI implementation
0024540: [Feature] ACE v11 objects on WGS implementation
0024614: [Feature] WGS WSM RestAPI add auditing
0024663: [Feature] Add option to nsqjdbcmk to add/update a connection definition
0024777: [General] MQ Client Connections counts fact pooled is incorrect
0024820: [Security] Show messages is disabled in WSM, but the user can still see the message content
IIB/ACE Administration
0024522: [General] CM for IIB 10
0024523: [General] CM for ACE 11
EMS Administration
0024598: [General] Trace property is not availabel on property of EMS queue and topic
0024599: [General] EMS Producer Stat is not available as a viewlet
0024600: [General] EMS Topic Stat is not available as a viewlet
0024601: [General] EMS Queue Stat is not available as a viewlet
Kafka Administration
0023583: [General] Add support for connectors