To run another instance of the CEP server on the same machine, please do the following:
- Make a copy of the [AUTOPILOT_HOME]/localhost directory and give it a suitable name. For example: [AUTOPILOT_HOME]/newcep.
- Delete the registry.xml file from the new directory. This will remove all existing services running on the new CEP. For new services, you can:
- deploy them using the Enterprise Manager, or
- define the required services such as experts and managers in an xml file and place them in [AUTOPILOT_HOME]/newcep/import.
- Edit [AUTOPILOT_HOME]/newcep/ and change the user.url port number to any available port and the nodename.
property server.user.url.port = 3006
When you start the new instance of the CEP, it will register with the domain server as NEWCEP, and use port 3006.
register NodeName = NEWCEP
This file can be used to set any properties specific to this CEP instance. For example, if you expected more facts to be published on this CEP or if you wanted to have a user defined property unique to this CEP as in the example belowproperty server.facts.capacity = 200000
property my.sensor.threshold = 99 - Modify the ATPNODE.lax variable set for the LAX.DIR:
# -------
# path to directory holding LaunchAnywhere's native launcher
lax.dir=/opt/nastel/AutoPilotM6/localhost/# LAX.DIR
# -------
# path to directory holding LaunchAnywhere's native launcher