When Show Object Attributes is selected from an object's action menu (Selected menu in 11.2), the Attributes viewlet opens. This viewlet displays the attributes of the selected object. Scroll down to see additional attributes.
For information about viewing, updating, and comparing the attributes of multiple objects, see Viewing Properties of Multiple Objects within a Viewlet, Viewing and updating object definitions, and Comparing object definitions.
Exporting Attributes
To export the attributes of the selected object, click the Save Table as CSV button. A file called exported_compare_attributes.csv is generated and downloaded through your browser. The file can be saved or opened.
Searching for Attributes
You can also search the list to find specific attributes or values. Enter part or all of the attribute name or value in the box provided. The first record that matches the value you entered is highlighted. You can then browse through matches using the right and left arrows.
The example below shows the attributes for a queue manager.