Some of the content described in this article is available in meshIQ Manage versions 11.1.1 and later. See meshIQ platform Highlights v11.1 for an overview of feature changes.
You can export the parameters of a viewlet to a local file. For example, for a queues viewlet, the following parameters are included in the file:
- Viewlet name
- Node
- Manager
- Object Name
- EMS checkbox
- Find messages (message criteria), if any
- Attribute filters, if any
To export a viewlet's properties to a JSON file, select Export viewlet to file from the viewlet's menu.
A JSON file will automatically be saved to your Downloads folder. This file can then be used to create a new viewlet. See Adding a viewlet to your dashboard.
Sample File Contents
"version": "v11.1.1.11",
"wgsConnections": [
"connectionId": 1,
"connectionName": "Primary Connection",
"serversList": "",
"port": 4010
"wgsConnectionGroups": [],
"schemas": [
"id": 22,
"name": "Default Local Queues Dir",
"objectType": 21,
"defaultSortColumn": "Queue Name",
"defaultSortDirection": 1,
"secondarySortColumn": "null",
"secondarySortDirection": -1,
"schemaType": 0,
"sharedGroups": [],
"attributes": [
"schemaId": 22,
"attributeParameter": 3011,
"sortOrder": 1
"schemaId": 22,
"attributeParameter": 3,
"sortOrder": 2
"schemaId": 22,
"attributeParameter": 15,
"sortOrder": 3
"schemaId": 22,
"attributeParameter": 9,
"sortOrder": 4
"schemaId": 22,
"attributeParameter": 10,
"sortOrder": 5
"schemaId": 22,
"attributeParameter": 17,
"sortOrder": 6
"schemaId": 22,
"attributeParameter": 18,
"sortOrder": 7
"schemaId": 22,
"attributeParameter": 20109,
"sortOrder": 8
"customAttributes": []
"attributeFilters": [],
"messageCriteria": [],
"externalViewlets": [],
"searchViewlets": [
"id": 1118,
"name": "Local Queues",
"connectionIds": [
"connectionInformation": {
"connectionRegexes": [],
"selectedConnectionIds": [
"selectedConnectionGroupIds": []
"searchData": {
"nodeName": "*",
"qmgrName": "*",
"objType": 11,
"objSubType": 1,
"dataLimitOffset": 100,
"extraName": null,
"projectIdsInfo": [],
"productType": 0,
"showEmptyQueues": true,
"showSystemObjects": true,
"activeAttrFiltering": true,
"viewletColor": null,
"showInactiveCh": true,
"flatColor": false,
"activeFindMsgs": true,
"attributeFilterId": null,
"filterType": 0,
"filteredColumns": [],
"manageFilterColumns": false,
"frozenColumns": [],
"isMultiConnection": false
"searchObjNames": [
"schemaId": 22
"favoriteViewlets": [],
"searchDashViewletData": [
"viewletId": 1118,
"viewletType": 714,
"pos": 1,
"visible": true,
"expanded": true,
"height": 290
"favoriteDashViewletData": [],
"externalDashViewletData": []