Subject: Manage 11.2.1
Date: 31-Jan-2025
WGS_11.2.1.pkg -- Workgroup Server Expert
webapps\manage.war -- Manage (Navigator) war files (11.2.1)
webapps\manage-server.war -- Manage (Navigator) war files (11.2.1)
webapps\secure.war -- Secure (Navxwsm) war files (11.2.1)
webapps\secure-server.war -- Secure (Navxwsm) war files (11.2.1)
nsqcmace.jar -- IIB/ACE Connection Manager (11.2.1)
nsqcmems.jar -- Tibco EMS Connection Manager (11.2.1)
nsqcmkafka.jar -- Kafka Connection Manager (11.2.1)
nsqcmmq.jar -- MQ Java Connection Manager/Agent (11.2.1)
nsqcmsolace.jar -- Solace Connection Manager (11.2.1)
nsqcmrabbitmq.jar -- RabbitMQ Connection Manager (11.2.1)Including but unchanged since 10.1.x
- -- IIB/ACE CM sample properties file
- -- Tibco EMS CM sample properties file
- -- Kafka CM sample properties file
- -- MQ Java CM sample properties file
- -- Solace CM sample properties file
- -- RabbitMQ CM sample properties file
This package can be used for a new installation or to update an existing installation.
Please see the WGS Expert installation guide for specific steps to proceed.
Installation overview
- Stop all Nastel processes (including CEP and Domain Server).
- Back up the %APWMQ_HOME% directory and existing database tables.
- Place in the installation directory (%APWMQ_HOME%).
- Unzip the file.
- Extract contents 'here', under %APWMQ_HOME% replacing existing content.
- Run pkgman to install the latest WGS package
a) if a new install, install additional packages such as resource packs, scheduler, experts - Run nsqjdbcmk to upgrade your database tables
- Copy the war files from the webapps folder to the Tomcat webapps folder.
- Restart Nastel processes
- Finalize any setup for WGS operation including configuration of WGS, REST API and scheduler
Manage HTML WebGUI 11.2.1
NV-1137: Navigator qmgr Attribute Filter ACCTQ options is missing ‘NONE’ and has incorrect setting of 'Queue Manager'
NV-1146: Delete CHLAUTH fails
NV-1234: EMS Queue Message operations can disable reading messages from the queue
NV-1265: Message criteria with DLH is not saving
NV-1312: MQ Server channel definition should not require Connection field
NV-1416: Manage 11.2 puts MQ XML messages without a format
NV-1438: 'Start' option is missing for Auto Cluster Sender Channels
Workgroup Server Expert 11.2.1
NV-1173: WGS discovery improvements for list of objects
WGSCM-3: When CEP attempts to start WGS while already running, corrupts WGS instance
WGSCM-16: Auto Cluster Sender status updated only at "Object Refresh" interval
WGSCM-45: Supress Oracle Exceptions when the cause is no data found to prevent filling log
WGSCM-50: Saved Channel Status should not update current status in WGS
WGSCM-69: Swagger / Rest API issue with MQ instances that are Linux but are showing as AIX platform.
WGSCM-80: Saving Kafka Connect records to DB fail because of column size restriction
WGSCM-91: Uncouple handling of Events and Auditing
WGSCM-139: WGS sends MQCMD_CHANNEL_INIT to zOS Qmgr that are up changing behvior from previous versions
ACE/IIB Administration 11.2.1
NV-371: Support for IBM ACE and higher
EMS Administration 11.2.1
WGSCM-83: CM for EMS limits concurrent connections, should not return error until it actually attempts connect
WGSCM-112: EMS field maxMsgs is reported as 999999 when actual value is not set or is 0, for read Queue & read Topic operations
Kafka Administration 11.2.1
NV-1195: nsqcmkafka general discovery improvements
NV-1183: nsqcmkafka schema registry and connects discovery improvements
WGSCM-15: KSQL status reported as running, when it is down.
WGSCM-100: Improve kafka partition info read, failed calls can contain valid results
Solace Administration 11.2.1
WGSCM-111: If Solace Rest API operation fails with response "Can not read rpc reply", provide additiona/better response to end user
Manage HTML WebGUI 11.2.0
NV-33: New permission "Rename" for MQ objects
NV-283: Support Pound and Euro signs in passwords
NV-383: Add ability to export ACL's to EMS servers, topics and queues
NV-567: Error Message while rerouting messages from one Qmgr to other Qmgr
NV-582: Manage and Secure GUI Modernization
NV-586: Navigator statistics shows 'no data' for single days but then does provide information when using multiple days for same period
NV-594: Not possible to change sslcipher from the channel properties
NV-603: 11.2 Navigator object comparison doesn't show key detail: qmgr defined on
NV-630: APPLID DATA Field picking up "NULL" values for the field instead of the actual value
NV-639: For Solace dashboard creation, label should be changed from Queue Manager
NV-656: Channel Viewlet with Attribute Filter of Channel Type ‘is not equal’ has incorrect results
NV-657: RC 4008 MQRCCF_OBJECT_NAME_ERROR during MQSC snapshots collection
NV-658: Provide the ability to share a link in Manage
NV-688: Deleting sorted message(s) deleted wrong messages
NV-691: Navigator statistics shows 'no data' for single days but then does provide information when using multiple days for same period
NV-719: Add support for tibco kafka schema repository
NV-752: Navigator MQ snapshot is missing msgexit setting
NV-771: Add "product switcher" to "Manage" and "Secure"
NV-799: Navigator is not showing the unknown object names in the QMGr events
Secure HTML WebGUI 11.2.0
NV-582: Manage and Secure GUI Modernization
NV-771: Add "product switcher" to "Manage" and "Secure"
Workgroup Server Expert 11.2.0
NV-486: Copy and move of Kafka messages between topics and partitions fails for Non-Admin users
NV-495: Event table is full of subscription delete events
NV-524: Report Solace error code as independent attribute
NV-594: Not possible to change sslcipher from the channel properties
NV-631: Publishing connection string parameters for managers
NV-653: Permission bug on EMS Queues did not allow user to view them
NV-850: EMS queue pending message size return negative numbers
NV-1008: Issues with RabbitMQ Facts for Connections and Channels
NV-979: Missing Patch API's for new Solace Objectives(Message VPN Client Certificate Matching Rules Conditions and Client
ACE/IIB Administration 11.2.0
NV-631: Publishing connection string parameters
NV-648: CMs need to pass version in more than just Register message
NV-651: CM reconnect logic changes to favor primary server
EMS Administration 11.2.0
NV-631: Publishing connection string parameters
NV-648: CMs need to pass version in more than just Register message
NV-651: CM reconnect logic changes to favor primary server
NV-753: nsqcmems tibemsadmin v10+ will not accept paramters in quotes
NV-850: EMS queue pending message size return negative numbers
IBM MQ Administration 11.2.0
NV-631: Publishing connection string parameters
NV-648: CMs need to pass version in more than just Register message
NV-651: CM reconnect logic changes to favor primary server
Kafka Administration 11.2.0
NV-631: Publishing connection string parameters
NV-648: CMs need to pass version in more than just Register message
NV-897: Kafka cluster or objects discovery or status refresh is not completed with in defined time.
NV-651: CM reconnect logic changes to favor primary server
RabbitMQ Administration 11.2.0
NV-631: Publishing connection string parameters
NV-648: CMs need to pass version in more than just Register message
NV-651: CM reconnect logic changes to favor primary server
Solace Administration 11.2.0
NV-524: Report Solace error code as independent attribute
NV-631: Publishing connection string parameters
NV-648: CMs need to pass version in more than just Register message
NV-651: CM reconnect logic changes to favor primary server