Check the following configurations if your trace logs are not generating.
Are the proper settings enabled for the WGS?
- From Enterprise Manager, right click on the workgroup server and select Properties.
- The Create Workgroup Server Expert window opens. Confirm that all desired tracing types are enabled on the Tracing tab.
Confirm that the file contains the proper stanza
Tracing can be enabled within the workgroup server’s properties as discussed above, but it will have no effect unless the \AutoPilotM6\ file contains the stanza to build storage files for the traces.
- Add the stanza to the properties file. The following is an example.
### direct log messages to file ###
log4j.appender.WGSExpert.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{ISO8601} %-5p[%c{2}][%t] - %m%n
log4j.logger.WGSExpert=INFO, WGSExpert, stdout
log4j.additivity.WGSExpert=false - Update the properties of the stanza accordingly, for example, adjust the size and number of backup files.
- Save the file.
- Back on the Tracing tab of the Create Workgroup Server Expert window (as seen in the above section), disable and re-enable the tracing option.
- From the Enterprise Manager, stop the WGS if it is running. Please note, this step can take approximately 20 seconds to finalize writing and then actually stop.
- Restart the CEP node.