The Landing Page is an initial screen to provide guidance for novices. The Landing Page will look similar to the following:
Three options are provided:
- Analyze Your Data: an easy-to-use wizard for importing your data
- Explore a Demo: sample walk-throughs
- Go to Dashboard: view your dashboard
How to access
The Landing Page screen is displayed after logging in for the first time. However, it can be disabled to display your dashboard instead. You can access the Landing Page at any time by going to the Main Menu and selecting Landing Page in versions 11.1 and earlier. In version 11.2, select Landing Page from the left toolbar.
Disable Landing Page from displaying
After you log in, the Landing Page screen is displayed by default. You can disable this and display your dashboard instead. To do this, check off the option, Never show again, located within the Go to Dashboard box on the Landing Page.