Subject: Hot Fix for Windows (x86/x64)
Date: 27-Nov-2024
- Nav_Components_10.5.0.16_Win_x86.txt -- this readme
bin -- M6-WMQ binary files
nsqrc.ini -- M6-WMQ reason codes
nsqsev.ini.ito -- M6-WMQ Log Adapter resource file
nsqsev.ini.tivoli -- M6-WMQ Log Adapter resource file
This E-Fix MUST be applied to builds 6.6.0 of Navigator or later (6.6.x/6.7.x)
Navigator 6.6.x or 6.7.x for Windows
Installation Overview
Back up the %APWMQ_HOME% directory
Place in the installation directory (%APWMQ_HOME%).
Unzip the file.
Extract contents 'here', under %APWMQ_HOME% replacing existing content.
Restart Nastel processes (nsqmgr is no longer supported).
WGSCM-10: nsqmigr is not exporting kafka connector/schemaRegistry/ksqlDB and solace jcsmp(message) information.
WGSCM-18: Observing the duplicated entries in the queue manager events console tab.
WGSCM-61: CM/Agent Qmgr reconnect time changed from 20 seconds to 20000 seconds in
WGSCM-62: When CM reconnects to Qmgr it should make multiple attempts to re-open event queues on failure.
NV-652: nsqcm (on zLinux) DLQ Header on zOS Queues not displaying in Manage
NV-772: Prevent agent to read DataPath from wrong Qmgr in mqs.ini.
NV-632: MQ C Connection Manager changes to support CONN_USED in WGS
NV-654: Agent version number standardized formatting
NV-439: 'nsqmqsc' snapshot does not include object: DEFINE COMMINFO; attributes: CERTLABL and CONNAUTH.
NV-493: Changes made to QMGR DLQ property using runmqsc or navigator MQSC console are not reflected
NV-518: agent/CM should not do secondary time check IsAlterDateRecent
NV-625: nsqmsg is failing when qmgr is temporary unavailable or ended normally
NV-277: nsqcm memory leak when accessing zOS qmgr managers and using -N flag
NV-278: nsqcm (Unix) memory leak when users perform message management
NV-279: nsqcm automatically includes Auth Recs even if they are not enabled at WGS
NV-111: New messages sent with certain RFH2 fields cause message server to crash
NV-10: MQ SysMetrics not showing as facts
0029073: [Message Server]Message Server (nsqmsg process) terminating after putting a specific message to a queue
0028009: [Command Utilities] While importing EMS brokers using nsqmigr, it does not add EMS username to the EMS broker definition.
0027269: [WMQ Agent] Agent sets process permissions to 666 which affects all generated files
0027628: [Command Utilities] Update nsqmigr for new RemoteQmgr fields
0021089: [Publisher] Publisher nsqpub does not retry open of DLQ after a DLQ is defined for a queue manager
0026865: [WMQ Agent] Windows agents not starting as a service when logs folder is missing
0026867: [WMQ Agent] Add ability to view MQ's mqs.ini file (not the qmgrs qm.ini)
0026480: [Command Utilities] Add support in nsqmigr for Solace, ACE, and fix Kafka
0025944: [WMQ Agent] RDQM support for IBM MQ 9.2.2
0026376: [Common Engine] Queues with read ahead get stuck after reading first message
0026387: [Connection Manager] CM logic for 'Alternate User Channel Connection' defaults back to queue SYSTEM.ADMIN.COMMAND.QUEUE
0026023: [Command Utilities] nsqmqsc MQSC snapshot for z/OS qmgr gets truncated
0026094: [WMQ Agent] Add option to enable agent trust without the need to enable user auth
0025446: [Command Utilities] nsqmqsc import of ALTER QMGR MQSC command into z/OS qmgr gets error "SSLCRYP is invalid"
0025878: [Command Utilities] nsqmqsc dump of z/OS qmgr with MQSC command lines greater than 72 chars cause failure during Apply Script
0025947: [Command Utilities] nsqmqsc sometimes missing commands for some channels
0026031: [Common Engine] nsqmqsc does not display z/OS response when cmd DIR is executed interactively