Use the tables below to find the topic properties that correspond to the MQSC command keywords. Commands are listed in alphabetical order by tab.
General tab
MQSC Command Keyword | Topic Property |
COMMINFO | Communication Information |
DEFPRESP | Default Put Response Type |
DEFPRTY | Default Priority |
DEFPSIST | Default Persistence |
DESCR | Description |
DURSUB | Durable Subscriptions |
MDURMDL | Model Durable Queue |
MNDURMDL | Model Non-durable Queue |
NPMSGDLV | Non-persistent Msg Delivery |
PMSGDLV | Persistent Msg Delivery |
PUB | Publish |
SUB | Subscribe |
TOPICSTR | Topic name |
TOPICSTR | Topic String |
WILDCARD | Wildcard Operation |
Distributed Publish/Subscribe tab
MQSC Command Keyword | Topic Property |
PROXYSUB | Proxy Subscription Behavior |
PUBSCOPE | Publication Scope |
SUBSCOPE | Subscription Scope |
USEDLQ | Use Dead Letter Queue |
Cluster tab
MQSC Command Keyword | Topic Property |
CLROUTE | Routing Behavior |
CLSTATE | Cluster Object State |
CLUSQMGR | Cluster Manager |
CLUSTER | Cluster Name |
TOPICTYPE | Publish |